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The husky voice snapped the blond's attention from his babbling to listen.

Blue eyes staring deep into perfect jade,making the vessel uncomfortable. It felt like Naruto was staring into his soul; Every secret open to him. With jade eyes snapping shut, Gaara looked away. Almost ashamed at how easily the other made him nervous.

"What is it Gaara?"

Pure, soft and concerned. Naruto's voice rang through the room stealing the redhead's attention back unto him. Cocking his head to the side, Naruto stared before letting out a goofy laugh and showing off a great big smile.

"You look like you're half awake there Gaara! Do you need a coffee or something?"

"... Coffee ... Coffee would be nice ... " The redhead thought to himself. mumbling to himself thoughts and ways to question the other; he finally looked back at the blonde.

"Say... You really hate it in here don't you?"

Gaara asked, Expecting the obvious answer after the screaming and demands of freedom that he first heard, even before he had entered the hospital. Focusing on the blond, he was met with a look of pure.. bewilderment.

"Uhh ... "

Naruto Began to answer, the obvious sly comeback dripping from his lips before he was silenced by the redhead.

"It's a rhetorical question Naruto. Anyway, I'm getting you out of here."

Leaving the blond silent in shock and confusion, muttering to himself what the word rhetorical meant, Gaara made his way to the front desk.

Checking naruto out was easy since the nurses at the desk where too busy with angry patients to notice the vessel signing the papers.
Returning to the room he arrived to see the blond already dressed and ready, his hospital gown in a messy pile on the floor. Walking in, Gaara took the gown and folded it nicely before placing it on the end of the bed.

"If you leave it in a mess their going to think you ran away"


"Anyway. Lets go. I despise hospitals just as much as the guy in the next room"
Gaara spoke,making reference to the patient in the next room; Screaming and wailing in agony.

Taking the Uzumaki purposely by the wrist,the redhead lead him out of the hospital. Taking a moment to decide once they where out before making his way to the nearest café. He was calm and collected as always. At least, until the blond screamed in excitement.

"WOO!! Real food!!"
Naruto screamed, making a B-Line right for the coffee shop and requesting a seat for two.
The shock made the vessel's armour crack under his right eye,leading down his cheek.

Sitting with the uzumaki he sighed and calmed himself,allowing the armour to 'heal' it's self.

"You can eat what ever. I'll pay"

"Ne? Really?!"
Naruto was surprised. Was Gaara sick? Or was he just in a really good mood?
Tilting his head he wondered if it was really ok.

"Do you really have enough?"
Naruto asked,only to be met with the sharp reply of the other.

"I do."
Gaara flagged a waitress and ordered a black coffee,Not keen on sweets and craving the strength. Waiting on the other to order he then relaxed into the chair and looked outside,the seat was in a cozy and quiet corner with not much light. Just to the redheads liking.
Looking at the other,he felt the silent and awkward wave wash over him. He wanted to say so many things to the other,share so many stories; But he couldn't bring himself.

His lips dry and voice gone as he just stared at the other. He felt like calling for help but was relieved when the other piped up to start a conversation.

Naruto spoke. a soft and grateful smile upon soft tanned lips

"For what?"

"Getting me out of there.. Also, for feeding me"
Naruto laughed out before drooling as the food arrived, he ordered a simple breakfast of French toast with icing sugar and strawberry sauce. The sweet smell sickening Gaara but intriguing him all the while.

Taking the coffee the redhead had ordered he sipped it slowly,watching the other gobble down the food like a starved animal. "I guess the food was bad huh?" Gaara finally spoke up.
Gaining a glance from the blond,sauce on his over stuffed cheeks. He looked like a chipmunk and it made gaara laugh. On the inside.

"mmph ffmuphmu "

Gaara reminded the Uzumaki.
Getting a blank stare before the hamster got back in it's wheel. Chewing quickly and swallowing with a big gulp,Naruto wiped off the sauce on his napkin and chuckled embarrassingly.
"Sorry about that."

"It's fine"
Gaara replied,taking a final sip of his coffee before flagging the waitress for another.
"What where you trying to say?"

"Oh! I was saying the food was horrible! it might as well have been dirt!"
Naruto complained and complained,But Gaara had no problem listening.
He liked listening to the blond talk on and on,it was calming,soothing and even peaceful.
It was mid morning when they arrived at the café and by the time Naruto was done complaining about the Hospital,it's food,the nurses and how much he hated needles. it was already late into the evening.

By then Gaara had had his sixteenth cup of coffee and naruto was about to order something for dinner when the redhead stopped him.

"Hey. Wait. ... Why don't we go to an actual restaurant to eat? I don't think your going to get filled up on the little things they have here. I could use some real food anyway."

"What am I saying? ... What am I doing? Is this what I'm supposed to do? Do friends do this?"

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