Chapter 1: Second Chance

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"ACK-You motherf-"


"Haaa..." huffed a blonde boy, looking down at the blood splattered on his shoe-a displeased expression on his face. He then turned his head towards another boy picking up his scattered belongings across the concrete.

"You okay there?" he asks, bending down to help him.

"Ah-Yes! Thank you for helping me, Yūfukuna senpai!" bowed the younger boy, "I don't know what I'd do if you hadn't shown up earlier..." he sniffled, bottom lip trembling.

"Don't worry about it. You should go home, it's getting late," he said in a calm manner, picking up his own bag and slinging it over his shoulders.

'Though, I can't guarantee that they won't bother you again,' he thought to himself, taking one last glance at the boy.

"...You really should eat more, and at least learn how to protect yourself," he added, walking further away from the other boy. "You're all skin and bones, I'm only telling you this so I don't get dragged into this kind of situation again," he said without looking back.

"Okay Yūfukuna-san! See you at school!" he bowed again. repeatedly.

The blonde boy waved a hand and let out a low 'hm' in response, eyes glued to his phone as he walked away.


Yūfukuna released all the tension in his slender frame with a long sigh, watching puffs of air from his breath rise to meet the puffy clouds above in the cold autumn air. He quickly pulled on his mask, nuzzling into his scarf and trudged towards the subway. After that ordeal, the coziness of his lofty penthouse was a little too good to ignore.

When he reached the subway, it was pretty crowded-resulting in him not being able to sit down. Which was a bummer because going home using the subway around the rush hour is unsettling, since you never know when some 'gropers' would try assaulting you. In the crowded subway it's common for sexual harassment to happen without other people knowing, since the victims usually don't want to cause a scene and stay quiet.

As the train started moving Yufukuna was pushed near the subway door, the train was crowded and filled with other people, making him lack personal space. He could feel the bodies of other people pressing him from behind, since he's facing the door. He placed his airpods on his ear and listened to some music while he waited for his stop, but after passing by a few stations he suddenly felt someone touch his thigh and slowly move up to his butt.

Gritting his teeth, he grabbed the fingers of the hand touching his ass, twisting his wrist, making the man yelp out in pain. He could see the face of the man through the reflection of the subway window, holding back his screams. Not that it was doing him any good, seeing how people have started to notice the man behind him.

Not wanting to stay longer and be the center of attention, he rushed out of the subway as soon as the door opened, making him get off three stops early.

"Disgusting asshole..." he mumbled. As he rushed to find a cab and head home, he received a phone call.

"Hello?" he answered, carefully avoiding the hoard of people around him. "I just got out of the subway, I'll be back in a few-" he stopped in his tracks. Confusion written in his face.

"A letter..?"


The blonde boy brought the end of the cigarette to his lips, taking a deep inhale before tilting his head back at the sofa and exhaled, leaving a trail of smoke from his lips. He brought his attention back to the letter in his hand. A letter from the Japan Football Association.

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