Chapter 7 : Lucky Number Seven

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'God's Eye.'

That's what I called it back then. A Godlike vision capable of viewing everything all at once.

The ability to see beyond the central vision and peripheral vision by constantly inputting new information regarding my surroundings—be it enemy or ally—by knowing 'who' is doing 'what' and 'where'. By doing so I was able to predict what would happen next with pinpoint accuracy, by calculating all the possibilities; when they'd arrive in this position; which route is closed and which is open; what their next move is. It was as if I could see the future.

It was easier said than done. When I used it when I was little I remember the headache it gave me when it got too overwhelming, and I'd usually come down with a fever the next day. Nonetheless, it was a very useful and powerful weapon. It made me feel like a God.

That's how it got its name, because I was able to see from a different perspective than theirs. What normal people would see as a 2D image—or if they have the ability to visualize, they'd see it as a 3D image—I was looking in a different dimension; a fourth dimensional one.

I'm obviously not the only person to have this ability, professional football players also use 'God's Eye', or something like that at least... But not everyone can look through 'God's Eye', one needs to overlap their spatial awareness, perception, and football IQ to ever reach such heights.

It's an amazing and useful weapon, but if I want to be a striker, I need something more than that, something that's capable of leading me to a goal.

And I'm not even sure how to use 'God's Eye' anymore...

Do I just do it by instinct..?

"...Instinct.." I mumbled.


I opened my eyes to find Bachira looking at me from his futon. It was just the two of us in the room since the rest of the team had left, either to bathe or eat breakfast. I had woken up earlier than the rest so I'd done both of those things, choosing to rest before the start of our match later today. Bachira, on the other hand, was the last to wake up.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"A while ago~" he sang, sitting down, legs crossed. "Probably since you started contemplating something."

"I was just too lazy to wake up," he added, flashing me one of his bright smiles.

"Right, you should go bathe and eat now before we run out of time, we have a match today," I said, standing up.

"Uh? And where are you going?" He tilted his head.

"I need to change to the blue lock bodysuit," I replied as I removed my shirt and walked to my locker.

I took off my pants once I reached the lockers, and I placed them on my shoulder, opening my locker to grab my blue lock bodysuit. Bachira quickly stood up and walked to the lockers as well. But instead of grabbing his stuff to go shower, he stood beside me, giddy as ever.

"What is it?" I said, not sparing him a glance.

"I just wanted to see your tattoo up-close!" He beamed, looking down at my hips.

I slightly furrowed my brow, "Didn't you all see it last time? You all made quite the fuss."

The first time they ever saw my tattoo was truly hectic, which was understandable since it's not everyday that you see a 17 year old Japanese student with a tattoo. It is illegal, after all.

"It's so cool~" he said, squatting down. "A big red dragon..." he mused, "Does it have any meaning Haya-chan?" He wondered, looking up.

I paid him no mind and continued taking my stuff, "It's a chinese red dragon," I corrected him, brushing off the nickname. "My grandfather had one and I thought it was cool. So I got a similar one."

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