Chapter 10: Three Times A Charm

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Author's note!!

Hellooo ^^
Now I know I don't usually give author's notes at the top like this, the reason is: this chapter has some russian words in it and if u translate it on google it wont come out the meanings I actually want to use ksksksk
SO! I will provide the translations in the author's note at the end!! If you ever see a Russian word in any of the chapters within this fic, I'd most likely provide translations at the end ^^
And sorry for the slow update I'm currently really busy with stuff rn, I'm planning on taking german courses while juggling school, mandarin courses, muay thai classes, and my mentoring session as well /(*ι*)ヾ
BUT! I still plan on continuing this fic because I have soooo much planned for it hehe (≧∀≦)
I hope u enjoy this chapter hehe :)


Isagi is annoying.

Lots of things about him are annoying. His curious and inquisitive behavior is annoying; his sudden improvement was also annoying; how he could predict Niko's play was anno-

"Ah! Hayami!"

...His voice was starting to get annoying too.

Hayami reluctantly looked in the direction of said voice and found Isagi standing up from his seat in the dining room, his face hesitating to say something, his mouth gaping like a fish.

Hayami made a mental note of how annoying his pathetic expression also was. That awkward and awfully pathetic expression on his face that made Hayami feel bad for him.

Hayami walked towards the table Isagi was standing next to, Bachira also there with him. Isagi was still standing up when Hayami arrived at their table-he was looking everywhere but Hayami's eyes, sweating and scratching the back of his neck. Still unable to say whatever it was he wanted to say, retorting to 'um..' 's and 'uh' 's.

"Yes?" Hayami asked, cocking his eyebrow.

He looked unsure about something, eyes glancing nervously in the direction of Bachira. Hayami quickly caught on to what was happening: he wanted to speak in private.

If he wants to talk to Hayami in private then it's probably because of what happened in the monitoring room. It's most likely that he called out to Hayami subconsciously, not really thinking much about the aftermath.

...Hayami really hates how pathetic he looks right now.

"Move so I can sit, will you?" Hayami said instead, moving closer to Isagi, making him let out a confused 'eh?', giving Hayami a puzzled look. "Isn't that why you called me here?"

Hayami gave him a knowing look and it looked like he got the memo, because he instantly replied with a 'yeah! Of course, sorry..!' before scooting over. Hayami placed his tray and sat next to Isagi, Bachira sitting directly in front of Hayami.

They ate in silence for a moment, before Bachira spoke up, making both Hayami and Isagi look up from their food.

"Did you two fight?" he asked, making Isagi choke on his food.

Hayami patted his back and gave him his water, Bachira just watching from the other side whilst chewing on his food.

"What are you talking about?" Hayami asked, looking at Bachira as Isagi took the water from his hand, chugging it down.

"Dunno, the atmosphere between you two has kinda been a bit tense," he casually said, taking another bite of his food. "Heavy on Isagi though," he added, chewing. Hayami furrowed his brow at that.

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