Chapter 13: Familiar face

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"What is this fucking bullshit?!"

Hayami turned around to look at what all the commotion was about, only to find Kuon being stomped on by multiple furious team W players. Understandably so, they were promised victory after all.

"You were supposed to help us win, you fucker! That was the deal!" the younger Wanima said as he stomped on Kuon repeatedly, cursing at him. Under him, Kuon was cowering on the ground, his hands on his head to protect it from getting stepped on as team W players swarmed around him, kicking and stomping on him.

It almost made Hayami feel bad for him. Almost.

"Why did you keep Chigiri's leg a secret from us?!" he added, the rest of team W also furious at the boy, yelling and cursing at him.

Hayami couldn't help but frown at the younger Wanima's statement.

"I really didn't know!" Kuon grunted as he took hit after hit. Hayami saw Isagi looking at Kuon from the corner of his eye. The raven haired boy was about to go and stop them when Hayami placed his arm in front of Isagi, making him stop to look at Hayami.


Hayami gave him a look before walking there himself, leaving Isagi dumbfounded.

"What do you mean 'keep Chigiri's leg a secret' from you?" Hayami said as he grabbed the younger Wanima from the back by the collar of his jersey. Causing him to stumble backwards as Hayami pulled him away from Kuon.

He trashed around and managed to get Hayami's grip off his jersey, turning around to scowl at Hayami.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing you bastard?!" he hollered. His older brother walked towards them after he saw his brother getting dragged.

"Judging by the way you were talking to him this entire match, I assumed you already knew," Hayami added, giving them a haughty look. "It looked like you had a personal vendetta against Chigiri."

"What the fuck are you trying to say, huh?!" the younger Wanima yelled again, obnoxious and loud, walking closer to Hayami and gritting his teeth.

"I'm saying, don't put the blame on the traitor," Hayami spat, looking down on them as he slightly tilted his head back.

"He didn't cause you your demise; you did."

"It was already pathetic enough that you relied on him to win, but now," Hayami mocked as he sneered at them. "You're all just a sad, inadequate excuse for a team."

Hayami must've hit a nerve because the Wanimas' went dead silent as they trembled in place, shaking out of anger. Hayami didn't budge, his eyes glared back at the younger twin, looking down at him with cold, piercing eyes.

The younger Wanima muttered something, gritting his teeth as he did so, hands balled into fists as he glared at Hayami. His eyes filled with loath, anger, and humiliation.

"...I'll kill you, you fucking bastard!" the younger Wanima growled as his older brother marched towards Hayami, reaching out to grab his collar. Hayami easily grabbed his hand and twisted it around, enough for it to hurt, but not enough for it to snap bones.

Well, at least not yet.

The older Wanima grimaced and let out a pained grunt. The younger twin's anger subsided immediately and turned into worry instead.

Taking the chance while both teams were distracted Kuon bolted out of the field, tail between his legs. However he didn't go unnoticed seeing how a team W player yelled to the rest of his team: "Hey, Kuon is running away!"

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