Chapter 2: Moving In

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Once all the players went through the gate, they were told to sign a letter of consent before entering one of the buses lined up. Hayami-being the first to walk in one of the buses- got the privilege to pick the first seat, picking the seat for two people at the back. Hayami sat down near the window and placed his duffle bag next to him, hoping he wouldn't have to sit with someone else.

Not long after, other players started flooding in and took the seat of their choosing. Hayami rested his chin in his hand, gaze traveling outside the window-watching other players walking towards his bus, or the other ones. Darting his eyes to the windows of the bus beside him, he locked eyes with a purple haired guy. A surprisingly familiar looking person.

He was snapped out of his thoughts before he could quite grasp the memory of the familiar face in his mind when his duffle bag was dropped onto his lap. He looked up from his lap and was met with a tall, tanned, blonde-spiky haired-guy, with a tint of pink in the edges of his hair. The guy then sat next to Hayami who furrowed his brow.

"What are you doing?"

The tan boy looked at him, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Slightly standing up to look around, Hayami could see a few empty seats without a seatmate in it. Plopping back on his seat, he looked at the guy next to him.

"There are plenty of empty seats, why are you sitting here?"

"Because I can," grinned the tan male, tilting his head. "Also because you look like an interesting guy," he said, reaching out his hand to grab a strand of Hayami's hair, making the blond slap away the hand reaching towards him.

"Don't touch me," he hissed, eyes narrowed at the stranger beside him who let out a low hum as a response, a satisfied smirk on his lips.


"Oi blondie you look like a model, you must have an insta with a million followers, amirite?"

"..Please shut up"

It's been going on like this for a while now and my patience is growing thin. My airpods had died earlier so I can't use music to suppress his voice either.

I must've forgotten to charge them yesterday, just my luck...

From the corner of my eye I could see the guy beside me taking out his phone, the camera facing my direction for a moment before he began typing.

"..Did you just take a picture?"

He looked up from his phone and grinned, "Yeah, gotta update my story, see?" He showed me his screen, there was a picture of me facing the bus window displayed on it with a text that says, 'omw to blue lock with this cutie'.

I furrowed my brow and narrowed my eyes at it. I looked at him and opened my mouth to say something, only for it to slowly close again. I'm too tired for this...

"Do whatever you want," I said under my breath and looking out the window again, I could see the huge facility peeking through the gaps of the trees. Looks like we're almost there...

Ah right, I forgot to tell Youngmin's parents that I won't be home until I can leave the facility. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, but before I could open my messages, the person beside me snatched my phone. I reached out to grab my phone again but he grabbed my wrist.

"Relax, I'm just gonna make you follow my socials," he said, leaning away from me so I couldn't take my phone back, "You did say I can do whatever I want~"

He has my phone in his right hand and his left hand still holding my wrist, and I've had enough - my patience has reached its limits . I stood up and towered over him, snatching my phone back.

APOTHEOSIS ✦ BLUE LOCK (x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now