Chapter 14: Peaches and Lollipops

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The team fell into silence for a while after Ego had left, only the timer remained on the screen, the seconds passing by.

"Anyhow, Kuon," Raichi began, breaking the silence. "Don't do anything in the next match," he warned Kuon, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"Move, and I'll put you in a fucking wheel chair."

Kuon didn't respond to Raichi's threat, remaining as silent as ever. Hayami spared them both a glance and looked back at the screen, contemplating what Ego had just said. The words replayed in his head so vividly, processing what Ego meant whilst trying to understand it.

'Repeatability,' Hayami thought, narrowing his eyes. Hayami turned around, several eyes following curiously. The sound of the door whirring could be heard as Hayami walked past the door, turning towards the monitoring room.

Ego had told them: 'Understand the formula that allows your best skill to thrive and make full use of it!'

Hayami pursed his lips as he fell deep into thought, slowly sinking deeper into his own little head, as if the world around him was irrelevant, tuning out the rest of the world.

'A formula that allows a player's best attribute to thrive...' Hayami thought as he walked through the sliding door. The room was dark, the only source of light being the big TV screen at the center, static displayed on its wide screen.

Hayami didn't bother to turn on the lights and grabbed the remote, sitting neatly in front of the screen, pressing a few buttons till the screen lit up with footage of their past matches, cold eyes diligently watching.

Hayami recalled that Ego had also said that, 'The more dramatic a goal is, the more impressive it is.'

That seemed to enlighten Hayami because he quickly took the remote again and began clicking on more buttons, the screen switching with every button pressed. His finger finally stopped clicking, the screen displaying footage of the match he was looking for.

The match against Niko's team; team W.

Hayami clicked another button and the screen divided itself into smaller screens, each displaying footage of different timings and angles from the same match. Hayami's eyes carefully threaded the screen in search, and waited for a specific part, eyes darting at each individual screen that displayed his figure.

His eyes landed on one screen and his hands were quick to press another button, the screen enlarged, his moving figure displayed on it. Hayami pressed a different button and the screen rewinded, he watched carefully before playing the video normally after finally getting to the part he desired.

He finally placed the remote down and watched the video carefully, bringing his knees up to his chest, his body practically folding in half, pressing his thighs flat against his chest.

Hayami watched as his figure on the screen leaped into the air, leaning backward as he kicked the ball straight to the goal, before landing perfectly on both feet. A bicycle kick, to put it in simply.

Once that moment passed, Hayami quickly replayed the video, going back to the scene before, rewinding it a bit further.

The reflection on the screen reflected on his pupils, taking in every single detail of that exact moment. He brought a hand up to his lips, pressing the plump skin gently, a gesture he often does when thinking; a habit.

His eyes watched how Bachira pulled his leg back and sent the ball towards him, a little higher than it should, but that was what gave birth to Hayami's goal.

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