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Helloooo |ω・)ノ

Cloud here, and please don't skip this!
It's been a while since I updated a new chapter and I'm not uploading one today either (sorry if you were expecting a chapter today (ノ'д`)
It's exam week and it's lasting for 3 weeks because we're cut off by some national holidays and so on. I also have german courses which are still very much taking up my after school hours shahhsha (its a 4 hour course) and the only time I'm actually free would be during Saturday and Sunday but even then I'm probably spending time with friends or family (because I have a life of my own obvi)
I've been itching to continue the chapter but I feel like I have soooo much on my plate atm bcs even after finals week we have retakes (for those who failed) and I'm probably gonna be studying math bcs I failed that one (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)
My sweet seventeen is also coming up soon so I'm also busy planning that...
I'll try to work on the chapters between spare time tho!! ٩(ˊ〇ˋ*)و
So this series IS NOT being dropped. I will continue even if it might take a while to update...
I hope you're all patient enough ୧⍢⃝୨

Anyways, while I'm gone feel free to drop some questions! (It can be about me, or Hayami (that includes his family, pets, feelings, etc.) I'll try and answer them as best as I can without spoiling anything hehe (`▽')

That's it from me, thank you for reading till the end! Take care, stay healthy and I hope you're all doing well!
Lots of love, Cloud ♡

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