author's note!!

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Helloooo ^^
Cloud here~
I'm so so soooo sorry for the slow update, after exams we had retakes if we fail the test (yes I failed some) an after that came the school events, then came our big summer holiday and I went to the middle of the ocean so there was no Wi-Fi and I usually do my fics on my laptop, and because we went to the ocean I didn't bring it obviously. And now school is slowly starting normally again so the progress will be very slow o(ㄒoㄒ)
Also I doesn't help that I never really planned the first selection?? I planned his story in blue lock originally from the second selection... (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)
But I am planning on finishing this fic >:)
I'm also planning on making an oc QnA session so feel free to ask any questions you have for my oc Hayami ^^

So as an apology for taking so long to update anything here, I'd like to show you all Hayami's trivia and extra information! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Hope you like it :(


→He's an occasional smoker/vape.
→He's got a sweet tooth and can't eat spicy foods.
→He has lots of admirers but most of them are too scared to get close because he's pretty intimidating.
→Doesn't like people touching him because he's sensitive and ticklish. (Especially around his neck.)
→He always uses a shirt or turtleneck under his school uniforms.
→He naturally smells good, but the usual smell coming from him smells like vanilla with a hint of lavender, the smell comes from his body soap.
→He's lost count on how many times guys have asked for his number mistaking him as a girl.
→Able to make everyone, regardless of age, or gender swoon over him.
→He has a mole or two, at the nape of his neck.
→He likes skipping class but never gets in trouble because he has excellent grades.
→He owns more jewelry than a jewelry store.
→He does pilates and yoga, and did basic ballet in Russia once because he heard it was good for football players.
→He likes reading novels, (web novels, manhwa, manga, etc. included) he has books/read books in a lot of different languages since he's multilingual.
→Has a journal he writes in daily (because he has nothing better to do at home) in cursive. He writes with the book tilted slightly to make an italic effect on the writing.
→His mother is Russian, and his father is British-Japanese.

[Extra information]
Hayami's surname 'Yufukuna' comes from his grandfather while his given name, Hayami, is a Japanese name commonly used for girls meaning 'Rare and unusual beauty'. Wanting a (grand)daughter, his mother and his grandmother already registered his birth while his mother was still in labor, but they didn't regret it. Because Hayami is much more beautiful than his name. His father tried to change it but decided it was rather fitting for Hayami's looks.

He lived with his grandmother in Japan because his parents are busy and aren't always home so his grandmother thought it was best that Hayami lived with her so he wouldn't feel lonely.

He then moved to Russia to study abroad and live with his grandfather from his mother's side during his second year of middle school after his grandmother passed away. He then returned back and enrolled in high school in Japan. During his time in Russia he was addressed with his Russian name, Ilya.

When Hayami returned back to Japan he lived in a lofty penthouse owned by his family in Minato, Tokyo. His father also sends him a large amount of money every month. Although he lives alone, he does have a caretaker watching over him that works for his family. He doesn't live completely alone, he has a samoyed named Akachan which means 'baby' in Japanese, and a former stray kitten he picked up named Kumo which means 'cloud' in Japanese. (His cat is black)

Since he wants to be an athlete he tries to stay in shape and maintain his health. Although he plays sports and knows martial arts, he doesn't have a big muscular build. Which is why often people underestimate him for his appearance.

PS: I've said this before I think, but this is also a mlm/bl fic so there's definitely a main love interest~
Take a guess who you think it is, I'm curious hehe (〃∀〃)ゞ

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