Chapter 18: Last Dance

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The match was getting more and more heated, players from both teams just as anxious and thirsty for a goal.

"Reo!" four-eyed speedster said, sending the ball back to Reo. "The right flank is defended by too many people! Let's regroup!"

Hayami watched as Reo trapped the ball, his expression annoyed as he looked left and right, trying to find a way out. The team Z player that was marking him made it hard to move.

"Are you my stalker or what...?!" Reo said through gritted teeth, glaring at the blonde behind him.

Raichi's lip curled into a smirk as he watched Reo struggle. "Hey, hey, what're you gonna do?!" he hollered, pleased. "Are ya' gonna file a restraining order to the police?!"

Hayami could practically see Reo seething in anger as he kept shooting daggers at the boy behind him, gritting his teeth.

'This fucking stalker is really pissing me off...!' Reo thought as his mind kept thinking of a way to shake him off. Body pushing against each other in an attempt to keep hold on the ball.

"I'll admit that you're good," Raichi suddenly said. "Passing, dribbling, speed..." he added. "But I'm starting to see how to stop you. When you receive a pass, the first thing you do is look for Nagi!"

'Spot on,' Hayami thought as he watched the two of them continue to huddle for the ball. If Raichi keeps that up, that cheeky brat might even snap, Hayami thought as he watched Reo's face turn more irritated as Raichi continued to speak.

"Keep pressing him Raichi...!" Hayami called out from where he stood, marking Nagi with Igaguri.

"Yeah, you don't scare me anymore genius," Igaguri suddenly said, catching Hayami and Nagi's attention. "O'Great Buddha!" he added suddenly, making Hayami narrow his eyes at him.

"You can't do anything unless Reo tells you to!"

"The same goes for you, Reo," Raichi taunted, "Without genius over there you're just a jack of all trades, master of jack shit...!"

And with that, something in Reo snapped.

"You bastard," he snarled as he looked back at Raichi with a murderous stare, veins popping.

And without wasting a second, he landed an elbow at Raichi's neck, jabbing him straight on the throat. A searing jolt of pain erupted in Raichi's throat, the pain left him gasping for air as he let out what seemed to be a choked wheeze. The sound of a whistle rang from the speakers, followed by the voice of a woman.

"Team V, Number 9, Reo Mikage!" the voice rang out, "Yellow card for elbowing an opponent!"

Reo let out an annoyed grunt, clearly regretting his sudden outburst.

"Go on, get more frustrated," Raichi wheezed, voice strained as he held his throat. "One more card and you're getting the fuck outta here."

Without missing a beat, Raichi set the ball on the grass and sent a pass to Chigiri, "Go get it, princess!"

"Make them eat dust!" he yelled as Chigiri trapped the ball with ease.

Suddenly the four-eyed speedster was already in front of him, "I'd like to see you try, 'princess'," he mimicked, "I'm faster."

"Don't call me princess," Chigiri retorted.

Hayami watched as the two speedsters began to face each other, Chigiri thinking of a way to get past four-eyes. Hayami watched diligently as Chigiri tried to make a move to the right, only for four-eyes to quickly react, making Chigiri halt his movements.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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