Chapter 8 : A Fleeting Feeling

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Team Z roared when the ball hit the goal, ecstatic that they've finally caught up; while the boy who created that goal could only kneel down on the field, staring blankly at the ball rolling softly from the impact.

'What... was that?' he breathed, still processing the feeling that suddenly bloomed and withered just as quickly from within him, shocking his body with an euphoric feeling he couldn't quite describe, sending shivers all over.


Hayami suddenly felt a weight fall on him causing him to lean forward—making him let out a small 'mph!'—and almost making him fall into the grass. A pair of hands wrapped around Hayami's shoulders and neck, making him tense up, the sudden physical interaction tickling his skin.

"That was a great bicycle-kick, Haya-chan!" said a voice from behind Hayami, followed by gleeful laughter.

The laughter and voice coming from the culprit were all too familiar to Hayami. He flipped Bachira over, making the boy land in front of him all sprawled out with a loud 'thud', his head near Hayami's knees.

Hayami never liked physical touch, especially if he or the person holding him was sweating; It was disgusting. Hayami was looming over Bachira, who stared up at him, that stupid grin on his face.

"Don't touch me without my permission," Hayami glared, icy blue eyes meeting Bachira's sweet yellow ones. "And wipe that stupid grin off your face."

Hayami suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him from behind. He turned to look at the direction of where he felt it come from to find team Y's number 7. Although his eyes were mostly covered by his hair, Hayami could see his teal eyes and visible under lashes, catching him by surprise.

Hayami narrowed his eyes on him. After a moment, he opened his mouth.

"Do you have something you wanna say to me?" Hayami asked.

"You're one of them, aren't you?" He breathed, sounding like he was in a daze. "Those geniuses from team V."

Hayami could only furrow his eyebrow, lips slightly parted to show off his pearly whites.

"...I'm flattered but I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Just as number seven was about to say something else, Okawa called out for him.

"Niko!" he yelled from across the field, "come on!" He called him over, the rest of their team already walking back to their locker room.

'Ah,' Hayami thought, looking at his own team walking over to the hallway that leads to the locker room.

The first-half is over.


Time left of half-time: 13:20

"Are you shitting me?!" Raichi hollered, his voice booming in the locker room.

After living in this facility for a long period of time, it was a daily occurrence for me—and the rest of team Z—to hear Raichi scream and rage, so much so that we don't give a shit anymore.

It's been easier to tune off and ignore Raichi's annoying nagging and screaming now that I've adapted to it. Ignorance is bliss, after all.

Of course it was still extremely annoying and it pissed me off every now and then.

"None of you could've gotten the ball back during my turn?!" he started again, "They had possession for my whole ten minutes!"

He then glared at me.

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