Chapter 17: Riches to Rags

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"Bachira! That was insane!" Igaguri said as he jumped behind Bachira, the rest of the team was just as ecstatic as they all crowded over the honey-eyed boy.

"That was a super special limit-breaking goal!"

"That was so cool, Bachira!" Naruhaya added, leaping in for a hug.

"I feel like I can break my limits now too!" Igaguri said.

Suddenly an arm was wrapped around Bachira's shoulder as Kunigami pulled him in for a side hug, ruffling his hair.

"Surpassing your limits doesn't mean just being reckless," Kunigami said before adding, "Nice play, Bachira."

"Wait, it doesn't?" Igaguri asked.

"Of course not you moron," Hayami chimed in, "That goal was born out of Bachira's weapon; his dribbling."

Then Kunigami began explaining how their original formulas aren't working in this game therefore they have to create a new formula in order to score goals.

"Yup yup, that's pretty much what happened," Bachira chimed in, "I tried all that stuff because I was inspired, and I just happened to succeed."

"The point is, we have to try new things and evolve to surpass our limits or we'll lose," Hayami stated.

"That's right!" Bachira chirped, a wide grin on his face.

"We still have 65 minutes left on the clock," Hayami said as he glanced at the time. "You lot better make the most of it."

Team Z nodded as they gave each other knowing looks, determination clear in their eyes. The previous hopeless feeling slowly vanishing. It looked like Team Z had found their motivation once more after witnessing Bachira's goal, with the formula for scoring more goals achieved meant their chances of winning had risen up.

"Alright!" Isagi exclaimed as the others began to walk back to their designated spot, determination clear on their faces.

Hayami, quiet as ever, never left his eye from Bachira.

On the other side of the field, curious lavender eyes stared at the team in front of him. They looked far more calm than before, the pitiful, anxious mess they were before long forgotten. He scoffed at the sight.

"Well, aren't they lively?" he said, mockingly.

"They looked down and out just a minute ago," he added, lightly gritting his teeth.

His friend seemed to have noticed that.

"Hm?" Zantetsu said, "Are you upset, Reo?"

Reo answered almost immediately, "No way." He had answered Zantetsu truthfully, continuing with his answer as he caught the ball Zantetsu had passed him.

"It's just that since Nagi and I took up football six months ago, our record is spotless."

Reo then glanced at Hayami who was positioned near him. He then managed to add with a smirk: "And I don't want it getting stained by trash."

Hayami's eye twitched at that.

Самодовольный ублюдок, Hayami thought as he scowled at him, even more determined to win so he can wipe off that smug grin off his face.


Hayami's gaze moved towards Igaguri who stood there in shock, eyes wide. He looked like he had seen a ghost. What was his deal? Hayami internally judged, eyeing him from the corner of his eye.

"Six months ago?" he managed to let out, murmuring to himself if anything.

"Amazing! So these guys are also 'monsters'!" Bachira cheered out, face flushed from all the running, a wide smile on his cheek, contrary to the expressions the rest of the team were making.

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