Chapter 3: Build Up

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The sound of the treadmills, grunts, feet stomping and gasping for air filled my ears. It's been three days since we arrived at Blue Lock and for those three days, we've been mainly doing endurance training.

"The next step of your evaluation will begin with an athletic test. We collect the data needed to evaluate your physical ability," is what Ego said, raising his hand where a holographic depiction of a player appeared, followed by his general attributes like current heart rate, height, age and so on.

"Depending on your results you will receive a new ranking. We will inform you when the rankings have come out, so until then, unpolished gems."

Was what he said three days ago, so for three days, all we've been doing is endurance training. Running tests are one of them-which was fine for me because I do morning and evening runs with Akachan everyday, but I can't say the same for some people here. Understandably so, because the predetermined speed on the treadmill is 20 km/hour. Even I'm having a bit of a struggle keeping up once I've reached minute 50 or so. I was panting heavily, sweat dripping from my face.

"Isagi!! Igaguri!! Your endurance's fuckin' garbage!! Ha, Ha~" sneered a tall sharp toothed striker "Even 'pretty boy' over here is doing better than you trash!!"

"..Don't-huff-bring me into this," I breathed. Fuck. My muscles are killing me.

"How about when you lose to me, you stick it up your asses and go home to cry about it, you bums?!" He hollered at Isagi and Igaguri.

Jingo Raichi, a loudmouthed hot head. I have to admit, his stamina is no joke. Doesn't surprise me since he looks like the type of person who enjoys these types of training. For all I can tell from observing him for the past three days, he probably has a superiority complex.

"Shaddap..." panted Igaguri, which was then followed by the sound of him vomiting.

When I hopped off the treadmill my body was sweating buckets. I grabbed my water bottle and drank it quickly, the water dribbling down my chin and neck.

'My leg muscles aren't used to running this much either...' I thought as I lightly messaged my aching leg. It's been a while since I've had such intense training...

I should probably stretch more, there's other training units we'll have to do.

"One, two...!"

I darted my eyes to the other players that were doing the next test, the jumping test. Since I finished on the treadmill much later than some other players, I watched as they did their jumps from where I was stretching and massaging my muscles. My eyes followed the movement of a certain player that was able to jump around 68 cm above the ground. Out jumping some other players.

Wataru Kuon... That guy jumps really high...

I stood up to do the jumping test, warming up by doing little hops.

"One, two...!" I counted as I squatted down and swung my hands back. I jumped high enough, reaching nearly the same height as Kuon did even though I was shorter than he was in terms of height. I landed in a squatting position, my arms stretched out in front of me.

"That was a nice jump, Yufukuna," commented Kuon.

"Thanks," I replied, grabbing my towel to wipe the sweat off my face. I need a cold shower.

"How did you learn to jump that high?" he asked again.

'Curious aren't we? ' I almost let out, biting back a teasing remark. "..I used to play volleyball in middle school, maybe that's why."

APOTHEOSIS ✦ BLUE LOCK (x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now