Hayami's Archetype and Skills + family pic!!

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Hi hi, I promised to make his archetype and skills but totally forgot abt it LOL anyways, I actually alr have it done for such a long time but it includes a lot of spoilers for his lore and backstory and so on because it mentions characters that aren't introduced in this series yet hehe... 

But I tried my best to keep it spoiler free so here we go! Oh and I also made new drawings of Hayami AND HIS MOM AND DAD! Including a doodle of him and his little sister ^^



Playmaker: A player who controls the flow of the team's offensive play, and is often involved in passing moves which lead to goals, through their vision, technique, ball control, creativity, and passing ability.

Hayami has a cold and calculating playstyle that consists of him grasping the abilities of both his teammates and his opponents and forcing out their best plays and abilities, at times, manipulating them in his efforts to score goals for himself. Hayami creates ideal plays and chance opportunities by using his spatial awareness to view the field as a whole and the players on it. With his understanding of certain players, he uses his pristine passing skills, and footwork to create ideal plays, chance opportunities using his teammates, and to score high level goals for himself.

(This rarely happens because of how unapproachable Hayami is)
Due to his relationships and game time with some of the Blue Lock players, Hayami is able to bring the best out of his teammates (because he refuses to play with incompetent players) by either forcing them to perform plays so he can attack or by them pushing themselves to exceed Hayami's evolving skill.

Although his personality isn't likable to certain players, his playmaker skills are highly recognized and respected by a majority of Blue Lock, even Jinpachi Ego comments publicly on his ability.


Immense Speed: Hayami does martial arts and because of that he has to be nimble and fast on his feet, naturally he applies this to football, making him develop this skill.

Superior Football Technique: Hayami is a fast learner and was also considered a genius football prodigy. His spatial awareness, ball control, power, and kick accuracy are only rivaled by a handful of players.

Extreme Spatial Awareness: Because of his family's background, he has to remain cautious and aware of his surroundings, because of this, he developed a wide spatial awareness range.

Reflex: Due to the excessive martial arts training he was given since he was young, he has great reflexes. His reflexes make him react fast when dodging or catching things.

Surreal insights: He's able to predict/guess other players' weapons accurately. After analyzing a player for a while, he's able to pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. (He is great at reading people only in the field, he's rather oblivious outside the field.)

God's Eye / Metavision: He's able to see beyond the central vision and peripheral vision by constantly inputting new information regarding his surroundings—be it enemy or ally—by knowing 'who' is doing 'what' and 'where'. By doing so he was able to predict what would happen next with pinpoint accuracy, by calculating all the possibilities; when they'd arrive in this position; which route is closed and which is open; what their next move is. 

Art dump!!

Art dump!!

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Mr. Yūfukuna


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Mrs. Yūfukuna (Husbands surname) / Mrs. Belyayeva Volkov (Her own surname) 
(fyi I know absolutely no Russian and I hope I got her name right, I used google and asked a friend who speaks Russian abt it but if it is incorrect pls inform me ^^)

 Belyayeva Volkov (Her own surname) (fyi I know absolutely no Russian and I hope I got her name right, I used google and asked a friend who speaks Russian abt it but if it is incorrect pls inform me ^^)

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Hayami Yūfukuna

Hayami's little sister (10/11 years apart)

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Hayami's little sister (10/11 years apart)

Hayami accompanying his lil sis in the amusement park (+ chasing his sisters bear balloon all over the park bcs she lost her grip on it, they probably ran around the amusement park more than twice + he had to carry hiromi after a while bcs she was...

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Hayami accompanying his lil sis in the amusement park
(+ chasing his sisters bear balloon all over the park bcs she lost her grip on it, they probably ran around the amusement park more than twice + he had to carry hiromi after a while bcs she was tired ^^)

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