Chapter 2

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Water! I need water! I kneel before a water bank lapping the cool liquid up! It feels like I've been running for months! My muscles have grown, allowing me to push faster and to push harder but it is the fear of what's following me that pushes me on! I know that soon I must bed down, my pups will arrive in the winter and those will be harsh months for them! I feel them now, restless and exhausted! I am too! I sit for a moment before hearing a branch snap and growling!

A pup younger than any that should be on their own crawls out and whimpers. Nearly the size of my paw, he is still wearing his first coat, an inky brown and his blue eyes bore into mine.

I feel unsettled by his sudden appearance but I brush it off and go walking, looking to find a place to rest. I settled into an old fox den, no recent foxes have been home! I curl up and yawn. I could only rest for a little, then I would have to get back on my feet and get moving!!!

I woke with a start, looking around I notice the pup; he's curled up on the other side of the den sleeping peacefully. I chortle as he suddenly stretches out and nudges me, he whimpers and my heart swells. He smells sick, I didn't notice the thin layer of mucus under his eyes and snout and how thin he really was before. He shivers and scoots closer to me in his sleep. I shift away! Pups would only slow you down! We needed to get...

Then I heard it, the raspy breathing, he coughed in his sleep and opened his tiny, pale, pink mouth, his tongue lolling out. He was feverish! I nipped his scruff, he was also dehydrated! I nudged his head and he sniffed and whimpered.

My tits ached, the need to feed the pup filled me and I curled protectively around him and nuzzled him, natural maternal instincts kicking in. He woke and suckled, his body warm but when he accidentally bit down, something magical and terrifying occurred!

"Mum!" A tiny voice sounded in my head.

I sit up, looking at the tiny beast as he suckled contentedly and I huffed a sigh. I was stuck with this creature if I liked it or not! I'd leave when he could hunt on his own, but for now, I would take care of the pup!


A couple of days passed and he had doubled in size, so I decided to leave! I had already lingered far too long! He slept soundly when I got up to make my escape...

The entrance of the den was frosted, winter was coming soon! It had only felt a few days that I had taken care of the pup! I look behind me and sigh. I needed to find a separate den from the pup, I still didn't trust him!

I step into the brisk air and sniff. Wolves have been in the area but they seem non-threatening! I trot out, leaping over a fallen tree and rolling in the cool crystals. They melt in my coat, cooling my heated skin. I sniff again locating the body of water and some... Elk!

My stomach rumbles, I am starved! I trot down and find a small female outside of the herd. I take her down with ease and begin to feast. Blood it's tantalizing, tangy, and rich. I lick it from my muzzle. I hear a branch crack nearby and I jump into full alert.

I growl, fur raising on the back of my neck, I'm tired of running! A huge bull stepped out, horns lowered and hoof pawing angrily at the ground! He snorted and I bared my canines when a streak of tan suddenly slammed its side and I jumped forward and caught its throat, not really hungry but it had threatened my pups and I!

I tore his throat out enjoying the gurgles of oxygen he just couldn't get before I started eating again. I was amazed at how much my body seemed to need food, but when movement caught my eyes, I whimpered.

The pup struggled to lift his head, he let out a loud yelp and I flinched. I drug the heavy stag as far from him as I could and he got to his feet before laying down with an exasperated huff.

"Why do you gotta be so stubborn?" A youthful voice sounded in my head and I looked around. "You won't even give me food, you didn't give me permission to eat your kill... Now you leave me laying wounded in a field full of elk who want to kill me! What a nice she-wolf she is!" The voice added, "it's her fault I'm hurt anyways!"

I growled low, feeling it revert through my body. That silenced the talking in my head. Though the young pup came in search of me. "Pups... That explains why she just left me! I better not get too close or she'll feel threatened!"

"Why can't you just leave me be?" I growled.

"Who-who was that?" The pup looked around and I growled.

"Down here!" I got into a defensive stance.

"Hello!" He giggled in my head. "This is so cool, I've never talked to another wolf before!" He grinned a wolffish grin and lowered himself to the ground. "I do not mean to interrupt but I'm starving and I was wondering if I was allowed to eat my share of the buck because I did help you take him down!" He tilted his head thoughtfully and I sighed and lay down.

"Go ahead!" I sighed and he jumped up, tail wagging happily.

This little wolf was going to annoy me very fast!

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