Chapter 21

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NOTE: This chapter is sorta lame but the angle at the end will be easier to write after such a simple chapter! Umm, a lot of stuff happens without a lot of detail but its the hardest angle to write at, birth, arguing, and then death... You normally do not see that in one chapter but... I'm sorta different!!! Anyways, enjoy!!!


"PUSH!!" I scream as I force my last ounce of energy into bringing my child, my beautiful daughter, Estelle or Stella into this world.

She's laid in my arms and she is absolutely silent. "Why isn't she crying?" I asked.

"Because mama, you're beautiful!" She thought towards me and I gasped.

"Did you hear her?" I looked at Mylo who dabbed sweat from my forehead with a cool rag and he smiled.

"Honey, she's an infant, she can't talk!" He signed and I growled.

"Yes she can! I just heard her!" I held her protectively and my mother clears her throat.

"Females can have a mental bond with their pups!" She sighed and I lift my chin, sighing. The pup snuggles to my breast and starts to suckle.

"She smells human!" I looked at my mother concerned and she smiled.

"She is strong! Her scent hides her true abilities! You will be the key to her success but you must sacrifice one of your own!" She sighed and I stared down at the child.

Bright blue eyes stared up at me, happy and satisfied. I touched her cheek and her tiny hand reached up to my finger. She took my finger and I felt the connection of energy flow through me. I smiled and lay back, exhausted.

"Rest now love! I will protect us!" Mylo sighed and I relaxed.

Mylo's POV:
"Our strongest men were taken out by this unseen thing and that boy was by then when it happened!" Keaghan was being bandaged and I sighed.

"There is something weird about that boy! It's like he can't enter the house!" I watched the kid, he sat staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Cameron will be devastated if something happened to him!" He sneered and I watched him.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Think about it man, every victim saw him right before they were attacked!" He sighed and I growled.

"He is still my son!"

"Not really!" He sighed and I stared at the young boy who was now mumbling something to himself.

"What is that, gibberish?" I asked.

A nurse walked up. "No, that's Latin!" She shook her head. "He's been talking like that since you brought him in!" She sighed and I growled.

"He's never learned Latin!"

"Well, I'd say he's a fast learner he's been in here a lot for medicine to help him sleep!" She sighed and I stared at her.

"Where does he sleep?"

"Near the morgue! He said he feels comfortable with his people or something like that!" She shrugged.

"Damn it, I think he's possessed!" The next thing I knew, a sharp pain lit my body and as I looked down, a small hand held my beating heart, outside of my chest. I gasped and everything dimmed.

I screamed as a pain blazed my chest, my heart tightening! "Alpha Cameron!" Young Beth Ann cried.

Shawny held me in fetal position as I cried and my body shook with pain.

"The sacrifice... Mylo, I think Mylo is dead!" Shawny called to someone and I felt my wolf snap to the surface!

"Run! You've gotta get everyone to the safe house! I can't hold back..." I started shifting but it wasn't the normal pleasure a shift brought, it was hot and angry, thick and painful!

"Cameron, we're fighting with you!" Shawny growled and I panted.

"I can't hold back! I don't know if I can control this side of me!" I growl.

"Momma!" I hear Stella call. "Momma, he's got me!" She cries and I see red.

I am in total control, but my anger is not! I step outside, my skin scorching, and then I see him. Solid black, the total opposite of me! He sneers, his lips pulling back from his fangs. Where he is hideous though, I'm actually beautiful, just like nature! He stands on his hind legs, his claws wrapped around my infant's leg. She's screaming and thrashing, fear inevitable! I feel the anger take control and the bands of bright black tear from my skin, rippling like waves, lashing and tearing everything in its place.

"You were always the weak one, sister!" His voice... He sounded like Elroy! "Because I am him! His body is mine to use!" He cackled and I felt the rage roll off of me... I could barely hold back.

"So it was you killing and hurting those people?" I questioned and he chuckled.

"Of course! Who else would it be? Satan himself?"

"You are satan! You are everything that embodies him!" I growled and he pouted.

"Now sister, you wouldn't want something to happen to sweet baby... Oh, what do you call her? Princess Estelle or Princess Stella?" He brought her close to his face and I stepped forward.

"Hurt her, I dare you!"

"I don't need to hurt her! Her gift can't be awoken without the key! You have sinned greatly, father would never forgive you! You must be punished! The key must disappear!" He set Stella on the ground and his eyes turned red.
"Unfortunately, that means you must die!"

"I've already been punished! I've already sacrificed!" I was trying to build on my anger. "You've taken my mate from me!"

"And I enjoyed every second of it even though this boy was fighting against me! He got to see his heart outside of his body, it was quite fascinating!" He tilted his head and I took my claw, dragging it across my throat.

"Kill me or drink! I know you want my power! I know you want to be on top, to be the strongest! I would rather be dead without my mate!" I sighed. "I will meet with him again!"

"You will burn in hell for what you've done!"

"Take my power, bid me to earth forever as a human! It's what you want, to make me suffer!" I watched his tongue follow the trail of blood.

In a second, he was on me! He bit my neck and I hissed but stood still, waiting. He suddenly tossed me and I fell beside my pup. She stares at me and I smiled and dip my bloody claw against her lip. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"I'm sacrificing you! My blood is the key so you're venom, your poisoned saliva will bond with her and you will die!" I coughed and he fell back a step.

"You're dying anyways!"

"I'm going to retrieve my mate! You on the other hand will not be able to return!" I sighed and he fell to his knees, his skin pale...

"Mom!" Elroy sighed and I shake my head.

"I love you Roy! With all of my heart! Get Keaghan and tell him to put Mylo and my body side by side! Tell him to lay Stella..." I sucked in a sharp breath, pain... A burning pain ran through my body and I looked at the sky. "Between us!" I closed my eyes and let the light take me.

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