Chapter 13

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There was no time for rest, I kept pushing forward though starving and dehydrated! When Mylo suddenly tackled me, I released the pup and turned to fight. He pinned me down easily, growling, his muzzle at my throat.

"You need to hunt! The pup needs the nutrients and you need the strength!" He growled as I panted and tried weakly to get free.

Elk! My wolf pushed herself to the surface and I broke free of him and scented the elk! My wolf howled happily, demanding we hunt and I could no longer fight the hunger! Brandi followed as I set off in search of the elk and Mylo followed as well, feeling more protective than what I had thought. I found them, laying high up on a ridge. I knew it was impossible to chase after them, we had already burnt up our energy. I decided that we could either sneak up to them or I could try my magick.

"It's gonna taste a little funny!" I sighed as I pushed my magic to the earth, as long as something impure didn't block the connection. I hit the biggest elk and with a cry it dropped.

The world dimmed and I swayed on my feet gasping for air. "I can get one alone! You two need to eat!" He sighed and I looked at Brandi, we had to stop a few times so the pups could use the bathroom and be fed. For the past two days I haven't produced any milk, therefore my pups were starving! I trotted up the hill and bit into the bull's throat, while Milo took down another bull.

I reveled in the taste, though slightly cooked, it tasted amazing! Sweet and tangy, wild... Mylo had the same thoughts as he indulged. I felt milk fill my teets and Sydney licked at my muzzle. Instinct had me regurgitating part of my meal and I quickly ate more as the pups ate. When I was full, I roll over in the grass and rest for a moment. All my worries and fears flee!

"Rest my love, I will protect us!" Mylo sighed as he trotted over to me and licked my bloody muzzle.

I relaxed as the pups fed and my human half fell asleep where my wolf stayed alert and restless. She suddenly forced us to our feet growling. I scan the area and see a shadow wolf. It is coming towards us but Mylo isn't reacting, he is on guard, ears facing forward, his stance defensive. The wolf stopped and tilted its head before its tongue lolled out and he trotted towards us.

"Dmitry?" Sam questioned and the wolf tipped its head. "What are you doing here?" He asked and the wolf sat on its hackles.

"Wait, I can't hear him!" I stood up straighter and Dmitry raised his ears.

"Lets stop fooling around!" Lydia sighed and I growled.

"I'm serious!"

"She's exhausted, her and her wolf are not in tune! She needs to rest!" Mylo growled and I curl up with my pups. "You didn't want to hear what he has to say anyways!" Mylo added.


"He's coming along whether we like it or not! He said you are his only hope at surviving in a pack!"

"I can't take him with me... He'll be too much..."

"We have to, it's pack rights!" Mylo lay against me and nuzzled me before relaxing. "He gets first watch!" Mylo smiled and I sighed and let myself fall asleep.

After fully rested, I awake and groan. My body aches and I'm hungry. I stir and Mylo kissed my cheek, his hand traveling down my nude body. "When did I shift?" I mumbled and he suddenly sat up.

"Where are we?" He looked around and I open my eyes.

I blink the sleep from my eyes and gasp. "We're home!" I smiled and jump out of bed, opening what I hoped was my closet door. My fleece deep purple plaid robe hung from my make shift hangers, bent nails that took me an hour each to drive into my door. I was always bad with hammers!

I rub the silky fabric against my face when the door suddenly flies open and I yelp, covering my nude body. "What did you do?" Brandi stood in the doorway, stark nude.

"I have no idea! I didn't know I did something... this is all so surreal!" I pull on my robe and tie it. "Wait, where are the pups?" I asked and she pointed out the door.

"Downstairs!" She sighed and I began to walk.

"Is this real?" I asked her and she pinched me. "Ow!"

"Yeah, I think so!" She looked behind us. "Find my brothers, they'll have clothes for you!" She sighed and I gasped.

Tears flowed as my mother stood in the doorway, thin and pale, sickly! Her eyes drooped and I caught her, easing her to the floor. I cried in her hair for a moment, rocking her against my chest.

"Cameron, you're crushing her!" Brandi eased me back and I sighed.

"Dad?" I asked and then I remembered. "Is he really gone?"

"Not dead no, but mom and Lydia believe he is! I still feel him when I'm here! He's somewhere watching us! He still loses her but he can't be in here, he doesn't want to fight her anymore!" She sighed and I nodded.

"I'll go check on him later! Why hasn't she been eating?"

"She does every so often, Dad will come out and threaten her, order her to eat something!" She sighed and I nodded.

"Let me carry her down to her bed!" Mylo sighed and I nodded.

I follow him and he tucks her in. By the look of the bags under her eyes this may been the first time she's slept in days! I sigh and turn. "I wanna check out the place! Mylo still hasn't been shown around!" I winked at him and Brandi sighed.

"Follow me!"

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, this reminds me! I should probably get permission but any of your local animal shelters, umm, wolf research or lab facilities, wolf related developments... Go look them up and either donate, adopt, or sign a petition! Every signature counts and for endangered wolves, it could mean life or death of their entire species!!! Also there are animal shelters out there who are working their tails off (pun intended) to feed, shelter, and rescue homeless dogs🐶, cats🐱, birds🐦 and sometimes reptiles🐍🐢! The shelter only gets so long to hold those rescued animals before they have to euthanize (kill, or put down) to have room for more animals! Go adopt, go donate, do something to help out your community! Every life matters, every stand or donation or voice matters!!!

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