Chapter 22

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Elroy's POV: It had almost been a month since mom and dad passed away, a month of pain and acceptance... A month of pacing and crying and screaming at them to come back. I don't go to see their bodies, not decomposing, not losing their shape because why would you watch your dead parents rest? I don't know, it's harder thinking about it than what it is seeing them like that! The pack lined their bodies with flowers and their pups... It took everything to pry Stella off of her mother! It tore my heart out seeing her, she seemed to withdraw, she shut down.

"Roy, what are you thinking about?" Keaghan asked and I looked at him.

"Mom and dad... I didn't think it took this long!" I sighed and he shrugged.

"They might be doing adult things up in heaven!" He smiled and I leaned against him.

"Can you tell me about heaven again?" I asked and he put his arm around me.

"Maybe later, come inside and have lunch with us!" He sighed and I looked up at him.

"Taylor doesn't like me!" I frown and he sighs.

"It's not that she doesn't like you, she just doesn't understand how your mom could take in someone else's pup! It feels foreign to her, but she's trying because that's what Cameron would have wanted!" He smiled and messed up my hair. "C'mon, lets get some food in your stomach!" He chuckled and my stomach snarled with approval.

The food, like always, was delicious! Turkey clubs on white bread with some honey mustard... Yum! I ate about three when Taylor yelped. I looked at her and she turned white and stumbled back. I caught her just as she fainted and I grunted as I lifted her and carried her to the couch. "She looks like she's seen a ghost!" I sighed as I turned around and eyes Keaghan.

"Close to it!"

I stand in front of the kitchen window, staring at the house and I sigh. Everything is just how it was left! I stretch in the morning sun, not caring that I'm naked, just happy that I'm alive. Arms wrap around my waist, warm, strong arms! I lean my head back and look into the eyes of my mate. "Welcome home!" I smiled and he kissed me.

"Welcome home!"

The End!

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, I'm the author of this fictional story of werewolves and I write about were-species in general! I do have a story on my laptop that is realistic fiction and has absolutely nothing to do with werewolves or any other fictional creature!!! I'm very proud of that story so I may post it or may not, I haven't decided! I always hear that your first on Wattpad will be awful so I will apologize now if you don't like it... If you do, I'm thinking about writing Shawny's story so you can learn more about that cub... Poor thing!!! Um, vote, comment... Share... I wanna know what you think! Ps, none of the artwork or images are mine! You can actually tell that they are all screenshots because I'm too lazy to crop! I thought it was pretty or cool, like the tattoo above, if I were allowed I would so get that tattoo! But you get my point!

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