Special Chapter

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Swithene's POV (TW : Fake blood)

I just got home from getting groceries to make something special for Sienna myself. It's been 4 years since I got pregnant with Sienna and she has grown into a fine beautiful baby girl. We had donor insemination it has successfully turned out well.

We love our daughter so much but it seems like Byul has spoiled her a little too much and she has turned wicked like her mommy with pranks.

It was a very long day from work but I was feeling a little punctual to cook today. Thanks to the head maid, I was able to learn how to cook. When I entered the mansion. I look around in confusion. No one was there, not even a sound of a child giggling.

It was eerily silent for some reason.

I gasped in fear when I noticed my 4 year old girl laying down face flat with blood pulling down the floor. I covered my face and felt my heart drop at the sight of my daughter laying there with blood on the marbled floor.

"Byul!!" I screamed in horror and grabbed my daughter in my arms. I shakily contacted Byul, crying and almost on the verge of passing out.

Damn it, this b*tch isn't even answering her phone!

"AAAAHHH!" my soul literally left my body when my lifeless daughter suddenly screamed and held her hand up in the air, followed by Byul's uncontrollable laugh from the end of the staircase. I screamed at the frightening scene.

I glared at them. "You guys...." I trailed in anger and was about to stand up to get these two when the world suddenly felt like they're moving upside down motion and lightheaded.

"Sh*t.. I'm seeing stars.." Byul stopped laughing and looked at me concerned . "B-Babe are you okay?"

"I'm... I'm seeing sta-" Just like that, I blacked out.

Byul's POV

"Sh*t." I cursed under my breath when she literally sat on the floor and layed over our daughter.

"M-Mamaa..." Sienna called out with panic before I pulled her out of my wife's merciless weight and grabbed Swithene in my arm to our room. Her hands were cold as f*ck, I thought she was a dead corpse.

Now this prank.... took a huge turn.

"Don't worry mommy, Mama is just sleeping." our daughter chuckled and played with my wife's hair. I looked at her in concern as I contacted our family doctor.

"Y-Yeah.. This Is Mrs. Moon... Yes.. My wife has lost consciousness you see." I quickly stated while Sienna sang her mother a lullaby off note.

"Shh. Shh.. Let mama rest Sienna, love." I said and turned back to my phone. "I'm trying to help her sleep mummy..." I heard Sienna said and continued to sing.

"Uhh...." I massaged my temples in frustration. I don't know how to deal with a person who fainted.

"Have you checked her pulse?" the doctor asked. I quickly ran towards her and check her pulses.

"I-It's faint."

"My, what happened Mrs Moon?" The head maid asked when she noticed Swithene unconscious.

"She lost consciousness after Sienna screamed at her during our blood bath prank."

"So that explains why she passed out." I heard the doctor said from the other line. "Mrs Moon, your wife has passed out in shock. Some instances, women pass out at the sight of blood. Were there anything that feared her that made her pass out?"

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