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I have named this book 'BRAT' because one of the main characters, who happens to be Jungkook has a really bratty character.It's a story created by my own ideas.So don't take it that seriously.Yes, I believe in TAEKOOK but that doesn't mean, every story of mine will contain taekook moments where they'll be all over each other from the starting.That would make the story anything but interesting.So please understand that what I'm writing is from the fanfiction's characters' povs, not real life Taehyung and Jungkook's povs.

Take it as a request or whatever you want but take the storyline of this book easy.If you want Jungkook's character to be more matured, then probably you should read 'ENIGMA' or 'MY YOU'.Because in this book, it's not happening anytime soon.


"Jeon Jungkook, will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung asked the boy in his arms who nodded his head vigorously, finally looking at Taehyung in his eyes.

His eyes were glossy as his lips jutted out in a pout, feeling emotional.He couldn't believe Taehyung asked him to be his boyfriend.He has waited for this day eagerly but didn't really imagine it to come true!

"Words, bunny." Jungkook's pout deepened, hearing Taehyung's voice lessed with authority.

"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend." His voice came out small but his eyes shined like the brightest stars in the night sky.

Taehyung couldn't help but let out the fond chuckle that was threatening to come out since forever.He pecked the boy's pout away, making him shy in process.

"Shall we head back?" Taehyung asked to which Jungkook nodded his head with excitement.

He was excited to tell the hyungs that he's not single anymore!


"....and he was like....oww" Namjoon hissed, stopping in the middle of explaining something that happened in the company when Jin nudged his arm with his elbow hard.He looked at the elder in disbelief because that shit hurt but he was confused, seeing Jin looking dazed.He turned his head towards the direction Jin was ogling at, wanting to see what made the elder dazed.His jaw almost touched the floor when he saw what was going on.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he got the shock of his life!

Taehyung was seated in front of them and Jungkook was sitting on his lap, looking like an obedient bunny.What's more shocking was Taehyung's arms.They were wrapped around Jungkook's waist in a protective manner.

"K-kookie, w-what's g-going o-on?" Jimin's stuttering made the Namjin couple finally snap out of their frozen state.

They could see the same expression as theirs on the faces of Yoongi and Jimin.They couldn't just decipher why there's this big change all of a sudden.Their ears perked up, wanting to know what just happened.

"Jiminie hyung, Yoongi hyung, meet my boyfriend Taehyungie hyungie.Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung already know him." Jungkook giggled, making the the other two couple gasp.

Taehyung is Jungkook's boyfriend already?

It's not like they were not happy for them......

They were but wasn't it too fast?

Meanwhile, Taehyung's eyes became darker when he saw the two males called Jimin and Yoongi.For some reason, the surprised look on their faces gave him an odd satisfying feeling.It was beyond words.His arms automatically tightened themselves around Jungkook's waist as he gave a tight lipped smile to the two males.Both of them smiled back but their smiles looked genuine?

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