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"So, you're not gonna talk to Tae?" Mrs. Kim asked Jungkook to which the boy shook his head violently.He would never talk to Taehyung again.

He was mad at him!

Mrs. Kim sighed heavily, not knowing what happened between her two favourite boys.Currently, Jungkook was seated inside his own room and Mrs. Kim who has come to visit the Jeons with her husband like their usual times, is trying to know the reason behind Jungkook ignoring her son.

She excused herself from the other elders just to have a talk with Jungkook.She didn't want to come between the lovers at all but she couldn't say 'no' when her son gave her those 'please do something about it' eyes.

Aparently, Taehyung would be leaving for France the very next day and he was worried about Jungkook who was ignoring him for the whole week.He has been trying to tell Jungkook about his business trip which will take him not more than two months but the younger ignored his whole existence, his ways of contacting him like a pro for some unknown reason.

At this point, Taehyung didn't even know what the younger was upto.At the end, he chose the last option which was persuading his mother to talk to the younger.So there she is now, trying to know why Jungkook was mad at Taehyung but the boy just pouted and kept his mouth shut.

"Kookie, Taehyung is really worried about you.Why are you even angry with him?" Mrs. Kim tried one last time but Jungkook didn't even budge from his sitting position.He seriously wanted to take revenge on the elder by ignoring him for doing that to him that day.

Actually, it's been a week since Jungkook met Taehyung for the last time.The boy is still salty over the fact that Taehyung bit his lower lip while kissing that day.

Jungkook didn't even know why the elder did that in the first place!

Later, it caused is lip to swell which led Jimin to tease the shit out of him.The worst part was he had to lie to his mother about it later, saying he bit his lip while eating with Jimin and of course, his mother gave him along lecture on how to eat properly.

I mean, can it get any more worse?

"It's ok if you still won't talk to him.I'm saying you 'goodbye' on his behalf since he'll leave tomorrow morning itself.Just make sure to talk things out when he returns." Mrs. Kim said, walking towards the door but stopped when she heard the small voice coming from her back.

"W-where....H-he's leaving?"

"He didn't tell you about his business trip earlier?" Mrs. Kim who turned towards a confused Jungkook asked to which she was responded with a timid shake of the boy's head.

"Oh..Actually, he'll be leaving for France tomorrow for some deals.He would come back within two months though.So no worries.You can take your time to cool down your anger." Mrs. Kim smiled lovingly at the boy who was looking so clueless at the moment.She ruffled his hair fondly, thinking he needs time to think and went out of the room, going to the living room where all the other elders were having some chit chat.

Meanwhile Jungkook sat there with a blank face, blinking his eyes rapidly.He didn't know Taehyung would be leaving...that too for two months!

Should he go and meet the elder then?

But he was mad at him right?

Should he ignore the elder for now?

Yes, he should just ignore him!


Taehyung was done packing for his business trip.Since his parents went to Jungkook's home, he decided to pack his things early, thinking he would spend the rest of the hours with them before going to sleep.

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