[ 39 ]

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Double update 🌚

Iseul came out of the bathroom, wearing a short robe.After boarding on the plane for so long, a hot shower really helped her to feel relaxed.She did her night time skin care routine while thinking about a certain male before changing into her night gown.After that she got on the bed, getting ready for her beauty sleep as she scrolled down her phone gallery.

She bit her lower lip, feeling needy for the hot man, or I say Kim Taehyung who's pictures were all over her phone's photo albums.In all the pictures, the male looked irresistible.

How can someone look so good !

Her eyes became hazy while thinking more about Taehyung.His looks, his deep voice, his personality....everything was attractive about the elder.She has been dreaming of having him since her college days and now that she's this close to him, that bi*ch of a boy had to ruin everything.She can't wait to throw the boy away from her Taehyung's life.But seems like it won't be that easy.She can't believe the boy went all the way to France to meet Taehyung even after recieving her messages.

Why didn't that childish boy break up with Taehyung like she planned?

Why does he even exist?

If the boy wasn't there, she could have Taehyung without having to worry about anything else.

She wants Kim Taehyung....so much!

Her eyes kept looking at the pictures with longing eyes.For the time being, she wanted the thought of Taehyung having a lover to be gone from her head.So she let Taehyung's pictures distract her like always.

But before she could drool over the pictures of the elder, the doorbell disturbed her imagination process.

She was annoyed but decided to check who it was anyways.Since she lives alone in a luxurious apartment, opening the door on her own was the only option for her.She opened the door only to widen her eyes seeing the uninvited and mostly unexpected guests.

What the hell the police is doing at her door !


Jungkook was tossing and turning on his bed, pouting in anger because sleep was nowhere near his vision at the moment.Just a few hours ago he reached his home which he missed a lot.Taehyung himself dropped him off at their door and left without even giving him a goodbye kiss.

The younger lad indeed was angry with him because of that but being home after days and seeing his parents made his anger vanish within nanoseconds.After hugging, or I say, squishing his parents in his embrace, the boy freshened up.

Since it was past midnight already, he wished his parents goodnight and also announced that he would be telling them about his travel history the very next morning.

After recieving the 'so done' expression from his mother and 'my lovely babie bunny' look from his father, the happy boy entered his room.He was so ready to sleep since he was tired but as soon as he reached the comfort of his fluffy bed, his face soured.

A pout automatically took upon his lips when he started missing the man who has become his human pillow for the last few days.He thought of calling the elder male but immediately dismissed the idea since he didn't get his goodbye kiss earlier.

The boy who was lost in his own thoughts, flinched hard when his phone beeped all of a sudden.Cursing whoever it was under his breath, he checked the phone only to see Jimin sending him messages after messages.The boy frowned not knowing why Jimin was texting him continuously at that hour.

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