[ 30 ]

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Jungkook was sitting on the bed with his head hung low.His eyes sparkled with unshed tears as his mother patted his head lovingly.He could feel the warmth of his parents on both of his sides.

"Kookie, is it necessary to go?" Mr. Jeon asked, not wanting his son to go away from him.Even though it's a matter of a few days, still he didn't want the boy to stay away from them.

"What are you talking about?For the first time, I think he's taking the right decision.Don't try to change his mind." Mrs. Jeon snapped at her husband, slapping his arm lightly.

Jungkook who was feeling sad to leave his parents for some days, was about to say something but the sound of their doorbell interrupted him.He looked at his parents with his big eyes and smiled when both of them placed kisses on his cheeks and forehead.He returned their kisses and sternly asked them to take care of themselves while he would be gone.After that, all of them headed outside his room, taking two suitcases filled with his stuffs.

Soon they spotted a very impatient looking Jimin at their doorstep.He smiled beautifully when he saw Jungkook was finally ready to leave.He hugged his uncle and aunt before their departure and finally, Mr. Jeon allowed Jungkook who was still a baby according to him go with the elder male.

"I hope he'll be fine there." A sigh left his mouth as the car where Jimin and Jungkook got in a few minutes ago, disappeared from their sight.

"Don't worry.He'll definitely be fine." Mrs. Jeon smiled though her eyes were moist because she too can't think of living even for a few days without her baby.

But again, she can't be selfish and keep him to herself all the time.She knew Jungkook needed to go....at least, she thinks so after what the boy told them about him and Taehyung two weeks ago......


"Hey bunny, hope you're doing fine!" Yoongi hugged Jungkook as soon as he spotted the boy who just got out of the car along with his boyfriend.

Currently they were in front of Yoongi's huge villa which was situated in the middle of an area filled with nature.The boy gave him a smile before hugging him back, mumbling that he was doing well.

"Woah woah..why do you love him more than me?" Jimin pouted making Yoongi roll his eyes and Jungkook giggle.

Jimin internally smiled, seeing the younger boy smiling again.He noticed Yoongi passing him a smile, probably thinking the same thing as him.

Since the last two weeks, Jungkook was behaving like he didn't want anything to do with anyone.He didn't even share what was bothering him to Jimin like other times.But when the elder thought it was too much, he forced the younger to open up.

After listening to everything, he asked the younger if he'd join Yoongi and him to their abroad trip.At first the younger denied immediately but later, when Jimin told him about what they could do there, he agreed.He felt the need to do something to make himself feel better!

"Are you ready to go?" Yoongi asked, looking at the youngers to which both the boys nodded their heads.

The eldest smiled his gummy smile at the two and asked his driver to bring his car.The three males got inside it and soon they left for the airport where they'll be boarding on Yoongi's private plane.You know, perks of being a famous celebrity.Few of his stuff members along with two bodyguards followed them in a separate vehicle.They didn't worry much about security since the trip was kept a secret from the outside world.

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