[ 36 ]

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"Owe...I-it stings.." Jungkook hissed touching the hickeys on his upper body.He didn't dare to touch his chest area, especially his pecs.The red, swollen buds were more than enough for him to know that he shouldn't touch them, not at that moment at least.

Currently he's sitting on the bed, wearing only a knee length, lose pant which belongs to Taehyung.He had to take a lower body bath before changing and now he's waiting for Taehyung who went inside the bathroom almost fifteen minutes ago...

Earlier, he came twice in his shorts just by Taehyung creating hickeys on his body.By the moment Taehyung stopped, he was wearing only the pair of shorts.His whole upper body and thighs, especially inner thighs were filled with hickeys.Though those bite marks are stinging every now and then, Jungkook can't deny that he enjoyed how Taehyung's mouth worked on his skin.He felt nice just by thinking that Taehyung does this only to him.

Jungkook bit his lips, feeling shy when he remembered the talk between him and Taehyung earlier.The elder male explained to him about sex and how double meaning talks work in that case.

To say he was embarrassed would be an understatement.He always thought he's naughty enough but seems like he was really oblivious of everything till the moment.

Of course, he has known what sex is and how people do it but he didn't know exactly how it worked.All these past years, he thought that when a man enters his penis inside his partner's hole, it's called sex and that's it.But now he knows that there's more to it.If there's feelings involved it isn't called just mere sex.It's love making and the elder expressed that he wants to make love to him when he's ready.

How shamelessly he said those words!

Now Jungkook is feeling all mushy inside...

After Taehyung explained everything, Jungkook realised what might have happened between his hyungs at that night.He also realised what Iseul might think after he dragged Taehyung from there.

A small smirk made its way to Jungkook's swollen lips, thinking he did really great back there even after not knowing the meanings behind his words.He felt proud that he unknowingly showed the girl that only he can have Taehyung in such an intimate way.

So what if Taehyung doesn't like him talking about their sex life in front of others...If Jungkook gets a chance, he'd do the same thing again and again in front of Kang Iseul.

"What are you thinking about?" Taehyung's deep, husky voice snapped Jungkook out of his thoughts.

He looked towards his right only to see the elder male sitting beside him, wearing a pair of sweatpants which hang around his hips, giving Jungkook the perfect view of his toned body.

"Why did you take so much time in the bathroom?" Jungkook asked, not wanting to answer the question he was asked.

"Oh...I got a boner after hearing your melodious moans.I was taking care of it." Taehyung admitted honestly as his eyes took in how his response made Jungkook go all read.

Finally the boy knows....

"D-don't." Jungkook mumbled, pressing his palms on his face to hide his redness but his adorable behaviour made Taehyung chuckle at him fondly.As if on cue, Jungkook's stomach growled, showing how hungry he was.Taehyung ruffled his hair before getting out of the bed.

"The food will arrive within ten minutes." Taehyung spoke up once he was done calling the room service.

Jungkook just nodded his head, feeling too shy to meet Taehyung's eyes.He looked up when Taehyung handed him a shirt, an oversized shirt to be exact.The elder himself was wearing a T-shirt which matched his sweatpants.

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