Bonus - 3

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"Baby, I'm leaving for New York to attend some urgent matter.I'll be back most probably after two weeks.Take care of yourself along with mom-dad till then okay?Hyung will miss you <3"

Jungkook stared at his phone screen as his eyes welled up with unshed tears.It's been six long days since he came to know about his pregnancy and also recieved this message from his husband.

The excitement he was feeling to reveal the good news to Taehyung was long forgotten as he was upset with the elder for leaving so suddenly.Well, it wasn't the first time when such situations occurred.

It happened every once in a while.Taehyung has to leave for a few days if something urgent related to business comes up all of a sudden.Jungkook never felt sad because of that.Yes, he missed Taehyung whenever he went abroad but he was never this much upset for his absence.

But this time...This time, the situation was different.Jungkook was extremely sad for the absence of his husband from the last few days.Also, the way he's vomiting everything he eats isn't helping in this case.He tried his best to be cheerful though.He didn't want the elders to worry about him.Neither did he want the baby inside his belly to feel his sadness.

He even tried eating different types of nutritional foods against his own will to keep himself and his baby healthy.He talked to his ownself to understand Taehyung's situation but he couldn't stop himself from missing the elder!

"Come back soon, hyung.We miss you!" Jungkook mumbled, caressing his belly.


Meanwhile, the elders of their family already told Jungkook that they wouldn't tell Taehyung about the good news.It should be Jungkook who would reveal about his pregnancy to Taehyung whenever the elder male comes back.It's a really special news for the couple after all.

They also understood Jungkook's gloomy mood even though the boy was trying to hide it from them.Their bunny was already four weeks pregnant when they came to know about it and now that he has entered the fifth week of pregnancy, it was normal for him to feel moody, especially in the absence of his husband.

Taehyung's parents were trying their best to busy Jungkook with themselves most of the times.They'd watch movies together, Mrs. Kim would make Jungkook some delicious, light dishes while Mr. Kim would play video games with him.

They let him work peacefully though.The doctor suggested Jungkook to work from home for the first three months which made the elders feel relieved.

At first, they were worried, in case Jungkook feels dizzy when he's outside of home.Now that the boy will be there, right in front of their eyes, they were quite relieved about it.Now all they want is to Taehyung to come back soon.

His husband and unborn baby wants his presence more at the moment!


It was past 3 am and the youngest Kim, I mean Kim Jungkook was sleeping with a huge pout adorning his lips.A smile was playing on Taehyung's lips as he slowly closed the door of his room.

Finally, after eight long days, he was home.He reached the Kim mansion almost one and a half hour ago.He wanted to surprise Jungkook by coming back earlier.So, he let only his parents know about his arrival earlier.He has already freshened up in the bathroom of the guest room, not wanting to wake his sleepy bunny up just yet.

He took a quick, luke-warm bath and wore a pair of comfortable clothes before coming to his room.His parents also went to sleep, giving him some weird looks.They looked like they were hiding something from him.Taehyung let it slide for the time being though.He was eager to see Jungkook's reaction after all...

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