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"What are you doing here by the way?Did you tell our parents that you are coming here?" Taehyung asked after sitting there for some time in complete silence.

Jungkook who was still snuggling into Taehyung's warmth shook his head.He didn't want to voice out anything at the moment because he was feeling heavy on his chest.

Taehyung didn't say it back!

"I'm sorry."

Taehyung was taken aback by the younger's sudden apology.He looked at the younger only to see a mop of hair below his chin.He got alerted when he could feel wetness on the skin of his neck.

Was Jungkook crying!

"Hey, J-Jungko-"

"I-I know I s-shouldn't have i-ignored you.It was j-just...I-I do things w-without thinking m-much and r-regret it l-later." Jungkook sobbed, still hiding his face on Taehyung's neck as he apologized.

Well, he is not someone who apologizes to others but something about Taehyung getting mad at him didn't sit well inside his head.He wanted the elder to do nothing but behave calmly and lovingly with him.

"It's ok.I'm forgiving you this time.Just don't do it again." Taehyung said, using the soft tone he usually uses with the younger.

Though he had already forgiven the younger, he decided not to tell him about it.That way Jungkook will learn that everything has a limit, may it be his bratty behaviours.

Yes, Taehyung is a sucker for the boy being himself but still, he wants Jungkook to know that, at some point, others can get hurt by his actions too!

"And I'll miss my brat too!" Taehyung said when he saw Jungkook peeking at him unsurely.

He laughed when the boy pouted, showing that he didn't like how the elder addressed him.Taehyung was surprised when Jungkook yet again snuggled into him instead of giving him a bratty response like other days.This time he pulled the boy closer by holding his waist and kept his hand there, wanting to savour the moment.

He'll miss the younger a lot !


"Hyung, are you actually going for two months?If I were you, I wouldn't be able to stay away from my home for that long!" Jungkook talked after some time.

Taehyung heaved a sigh of relief, seeing the younger starting to talk normally as he was being too quiet for his liking before.

Currently he was sitting on his bed, leaning his back on the headboard while Jungkook was seated between his legs.It was Taehyung who suggested the younger to sit beside him on the bed, knowing it would be more comfortable that way.The younger, however didn't utter a word but once Taehyung got comfortable, he immediately took the place between his legs, leaning his back on Taehyung's chest.

They sat there silently for more than fifteen minutes but at last, Jungkook finally decided to ask the questions he had in his mind to the elder.

"Well, I'll miss home but two months will pass quickly because I have a lot of work to complete in this duration of time.Also, I won't be alone there.Four of my employees will accompany me.They'll be with me whenever I'll be out of the hotel." Taehyung answered, nuzzling Jungkook's nape with his nose, greedily inhaling the baby scent of the younger every now and then.

"Oh?W-who are those four employees?" Jungkook asked, turning his head a little towards Taehyung.He mentally prayed for his assumption to be wrong.

"Two experienced elderly workers who are in the advisory board, Kang Iseul and obviously my assistant, Lee Hyunwoo." Taehyung literally rolled his eyes when he took Hyunwoo's name.

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