[ 32 ]

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"Where is your hyungs staying at?" Taehyung asked, startling Jungkook who was about to doze off while talking about what he was doing during the last fifty days at home.

"They're staying in this same hotel.Yoongi hyung booked the largest suite for the three of us." Jungkook smiled, trying to blink his sleep away.

"Talking of them, I need to go back.They're probably done by now." Jungkook rubbed his eyes, standing up.

Taehyung looked at the boy in front of him for some time before sighing in defeat.He didn't force the younger to stay with him even though he wanted to.Another argument with Jungkook is the last thing he'd want at that moment.So he just let the boy decide where he'd would prefer to stay at.But soon he frowned, not understanding what Jungkook meant by his last words.......

"Done by now means?" The question automatically left Taehyung's mouth even before he could realize it.

"Umm..actually Jimin hyung and Yoongi hyung is sharing the couple bedroom and I'm taking the other comperatively small one beside it." Jungkook said to which Taehyung nodded in confusion.

"I wanted to inform them that I was coming here to meet you.But they didn't open the door of their room even after I knocked many times.I also heard some weird noises there.Probably, Jimin hyung was annoying Yoongi hyung when he was asleep which lead hyung to become grumpy.So I came without pissing him off more than he already was." Jungkook giggled remembering how Yoongi hates it when people disturb his sleep while Taehyung visibly paled, realising what might be happening there.

Jungkook and his innocence!

"Jungkook-ah, you are staying here for the night and no arguments.That's final." Taehyung spoke up, suddenly looking all serious.He mentally prayed to heavens for the younger to agree without giving him a hard time.

"But they'll be waiting for me." Jungkook pouted.

Taehyung so wanted to tell him "No, they won't." but he decided against it, knowing Jungkook will never listen to him if he voiced it out.

"Just leave a message for them.They will understand.Also, don't you want to stay with me for some more time?" Taehyung asked, trying to change the stubborn boy's mind and fortunately, Jungkook nodded his head with hesitancy.

At least, Jungkook will remain innocent for a few more hours!


"Shit.Jungkookie?" Yoongi widened his eyes as soon as he and Jimin came out of the bathroom after taking shower...together....

Jimin widened his eyes, looking horrified.How could he forget that the boy was literally staying beside their room.

What if he heard them?

Both the males walked out of their room, fearing what questions may come their way from Jungkook.They literally panicked when they saw the door of Jungkook's room open and no-one inside it.They searched for the youngest in each nook and corner of the suite, getting more scared by each passing second.

What if the boy goes out alone and gets lost!

Their negative thoughts were stopped one Jimin heard his phone ringing.They sprinted towards the bedroom where his phone was.Seeing it was Jungkook, Jimin's heartbeat rose, hoping for the boy to be just fine.

"Hyung, I'm sorry I came to meet Taehyungie hyung without asking you.I went to your room but you didn't open the door.So I came here and now hyung is asking me to stay here.I just called to tell you that I'll be with hyung till the morning." Jungkook spoke in one breath.Jimin could also hear someone sighing beside the boy.

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