Chapter 12

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Three months had passed and spring had come early to Enchanted Academy the flowers were already blooming and buds were already visible on the trees.

"Flowers make me sick." Evvie commented as we walked through the school grounds.

"Why are they to good for you?" I asked sarcastically

"I think you already know the answer." She replied. We were both walking over to the sports center where a carnival was being held for the students of Enchanted Academy. Evvie and I were supposed to meet up with Jay and Carlos in front of the Center before heading out to the fields where the Carnival was located.

"Sup Mal, Eve." Jay said as we approached the Sport's center. He walked over to the both of us and put one arm around each of us.

"Don't call me Eve." Evvie said rolling her eyes.

"Hey Carlos." I said he smiled at me. Carlos and I had gotten pretty close these past three months. He was the only one who understood my relationship with Ben and I understood the same way with his and Riley's relationship. It wasn't like Jay and Evvie would understand much less any of the other villain kids.

"Did you hear anything?" Jay asked me.

"No, nothing." I replied all the kids were getting annoyed. Our parents had not contacted us since the winter and we were all confused on what to do next. What I had been doing was just school and spying more on Ben. Without proper direction everyone seemed to be losing it. Just yesterday Phoenix set the science wing on fire and blamed it on a freak science experiment. Last week Galiana daughter of Ursula had a mental break down and caused the fish to break out of their tank shattering the aquarium in the Biology lab. Galiana blamed this accident on her accidentally bumping the tank causing it to shatter. Evvie told me that the kids being in the land of the heroes for so long has caused ourselves to second guess our loyalties to our parents. She made me promise that I would never change and we would make it out of this land of heroes alive and stay the villains we were born as.

"So are we going or not?" Carlos asked us.

"Let's go!" Jay yelled into the air.

As we made our way down to the carnival girls who walked by us were giggling and waving at Jay.

"Since when do you know all these girls?" I asked him.

"Since I found out all the girls at this school like handsome bad boys." Jay said smirking.

"Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that." Evvie said to Jay patting him on the arm.

"Wow, look at this." Carlos said pointing at the fair. It was ginormous. A large Ferris wheel was in the far corner of the field while a small roller coaster was in the other corner. Games and food stands were set up in a long line leading to the two rides. Blue and yellow flags decorated the carnival grounds while lights were strung from overhead.

"Let's go on the roller coaster!" Jay said pushing us through the line of booths and tents.

"Could we at least walk slower?" Evvie said tossing her hair back and adjusting her dark blue tiara that blended with her hair.

"Wait guys." Something caught my eye. It was a shabby dark red tent with two signs. One read: 'fortune teller' and the other said 'Can see the future'.

"I'll be right back." I told them. I walked into the tent to see an elderly woman sitting at a table with a crystal ball. Her long red robe was worn out; she looked up at me her old blue eyes stared into my crystal clear blue ones. A trait my mother always hated.

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