Chapter 9

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 We were making out decent into Corona when I turned to look at Mal, who was sitting very stiffly in my mother’s yellow gown. She was sitting across from me in between my mom and dad. Isabelle was sitting picture perfect in her pink dress next to me eyeing Mal. I guess Izzy doesn’t like another girl in the house that has my attention. Marc was sitting as always in the corner reading a new book, the big dork.

We landed with a soft bump, and started to taxi down the runway. Unlike back at home where we have two airports, one for the royal family and one for everybody else, Corona had just one airport located outside the town in what used to be part of the forest. We were all then escorted to two dark purple and yellow closed top carriages where we were going to make our final journey to the castle. My parent’s, Isabelle and Marc got into the first carriage, while Mal and I got into the second. Mal seemed upset,

“What’s wrong?” I asked her when we were alone.

“Nothing,” She said sharply

“You look great.” I complimented her

“Thanks,” she said looking out the window.

“Mal, you can talk to me.” I said bringing my mind back to our tennis games and ice cream dates we had during the months of September and October that strengthen our friendship and yes we almost kissed five times, but who’s counting? 

“It’s nothing Ben, I’m fine.” She said,

“Alright, “ I said turning away and looking out at the streets of Corona. Since Corona was on an island it wasn’t a very big kingdom and it was also on a giant hill so everything was slanted a bit.

When we arrived at the castle my family got out first at the castle front doors. Isabelle jumped out pink frills and all and ran inside.  Marc followed after, still reading, and then my parents walked inside. We were next; a castle guard opened the carriage door. The guard was dressed in silver armor with a red plume on the top of his helmet. His chest plate had a large sun stretching across.

“Your Highness,” he said as Mal and I stepped out of the carriage. I took her hand as we stepped into the entrance hall. The hallway was a dark mahogany and standing in the hallway were my parents, my sister, and the Fizhurbert family. I walked over to Anxelin, Riley and Izzy who was standing next to Riley.

“Hey man,” I said as we bro-hugged.

“Riley,” I said giving her a hug. I was like her second brother.

“Guys, this is Mal my…friend, who’s a girl….and my friend.” I stammered,

“I’m staying with Ben for the holidays.” Mal said quickly. I looked at their faces; Anxelin was distracted by Mal’s purple hair. Riley was giving Mal a death glare Izzy was avoiding eye contact.

“So we’ll see you at dinner.” I said making my way to the dining room with Mal. The dining room was huge; it was oval shaped with white columns against the walls. There was a large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The dining table was also egg shaped with a white tablecloth that had a golden sun in the middle. The ends of the tablecloth were decorated with a golden stripe. The seats were silver with white cushions on the seat and backrest. The tableware was ivory with Corona’s crest in the middle of the plate. There were ten place settings each with a nametag. The nametags were printed with each one of our names, except for Mal’s who’s name was hastily written on a nametag. I was sitting next to Mal and Anxelin. Mal was at the end of our seating arrangements. King Eugene was at the head of the table, Queen Rapunzel was on his right side, next to Rapunzel was my mother, next to my mother was Riley and Izzy sat across from Mal. On Eugene’s left side was my father, Marc and then Anxelin. I pulled out Mal’s chair for her and then sat down myself. Riley, Anxelin and Izzy followed in after. Then our parent’s came in and sat down in their assigned seats.

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