Chapter 20

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One month went by and Ben's coronation came to soon. I was sitting in my seat next to Isabelle waiting for Ben to walk towards the podium where he was going to be crowned. The great hall in Ben's castle was decorated with dark blue and bright yellow banners. A stage was set up at the front of the hall with three chairs two for Ben's parents and one for the Fairy Godmother who was going to officially crown Ben. A blue carpet leading from the doors to the stage was placed in between the temporary pews where all the guests were sitting; my guess was that Ben was going to walk down the carpet to the stage.

"Where is Ben?" Isabelle asked turning around in her seat. Her yellow dress shifted around in the pew.

"When everyone is seated Izzy now sit down!" Marc said pulling Isabelle back into her seat.

"Get off of me." Isabelle said pushing Marc. The two start to bicker as they wrestle in the pew. I looked up at the stage where Queen Belle and King Beast were sitting. Belle shot a glare at her children. Marc and Isabelle fell into line, suddenly trumpets blared and the doors to the great hall opened. Everyone turned around and peering through the doors I could see Ben in his coronation outfit. His blue suit and yellow tie matched the entire room. Ben slowly walked towards the stage in time with the trumpets. Everyone stood up and watched Ben as he kept his head straight looking right at his father. Ben only turned his head once and it was when he approached me we both locked eyes and I gave him a small smile with a thumbs up sign. I saw Ben crack a small smile before walking up the stairs. As Ben approached the last step he stopped making his parents and the Fairy Godmother a little bit taller than him. The music stopped playing and everyone sat down.

"Do you promise and swear to rule you're kingdom with all the kindness in your heart? Do you swear to watch over all of the kingdoms in the land like they were your own? Do you promise to be the leader if or when evil rises again?" The Fairy Godmother took the crown off of King Beast's head and raises it above Ben's.

"I promise and swear on my heart." Ben responded as the Fairy Godmother lowered the crown onto his head.

"With the power of everything good I crown you King Ben." The Fairy Godmother steps back as Ben turns to greet everyone as the new king. Everyone in the room applauds as Ben makes his way down the stairs and back out of the great hall.

"Party time!" Isabelle whispers to me.


After the coronation everyone was supposed to enter the ballroom for dinner and dancing but Ben had Carlos, his family and I wait in our rooms until it was our turn to be announced to the crowd. So I was standing in my room looking at myself in the mirror. Isabelle had helped me pick out my outfit, a strapless dark purple dress with black trim. My hair was tied up into a bun with a small three pointed gold tiara placed in the center. Wow I looked like a princess,

"Ready Ms. Mal?" The castle steward asked from my door. I nodded and followed him out my door and down the hallway.

"Have the guests already entered the ballroom?" I asked,

"Everyone is in the ballroom Ms. Mal it is now time to introduce the royal family King Ben requested for you and Mr. Carlos to be introduced first." I sighed, how come I was so nervous? The castle steward stopped in front of two double doors with two guards on each side. I heard a loud voice through the door:

"Please welcome Ms. Malevolence to the ballroom." The guards opened the doors; fanfare filled my ears as I walked onto a balcony overlooking the ballroom. The ballroom was oval shaped, with a giant gold chandelier hanging over the dance floor. The entire room was gold with blue banners hanging from the balcony surrounding the ballroom. The crowd politely applauded, I scanned the crowd trying to find a familiar face. I finally found Riley and Carlos standing together at the end of the stairs. I slowly made my way down the stairs.

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