Chapter 19

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*Not Edited*


Carlos walked over and unlocked the chains keeping me sitting against the wall.

"Thanks Carlos." I said getting up; I helped both Mal and Riley up as Carlos unlocked Azizi.

"So what's your plan?" Riley asked Carlos,

"Mal." Carlos pointed to a confused Mal

"Excuse me?" Mal crossed her arms.

"Remember when we were younger Mal you could teleport around the island." Carlos said,

"Right I remember you said that in magical powers class." Riley chimed in,

"True but I have never teleported other people before." Mal said nervous.

"I believe you can do it." I said taking Mal's hand.

"Alright I'll try but we have to be connected." Mal squeezed my hand, she took Riley's hand while Azizi grabbed my shoulder and Carlos took Riley's other hand. Mal squeezed her eyes together and grit her teeth.

"I can't do it, the whole island is shrouded with that stupid magical barrier." Mal said,

"What if we can break the barrier?" Azizi said

"How are we going to do that?" Riley asked, "The Island has been protected by the barrier for at least fifty years."

"She's right." I said

"Wait Riley your healing powers." Mal said

"What about them?"

"Your healing powers are good magic right?" Mal got excited

"Right, but I don't see your point." Riley crossed her arms,

"In Kingdom History we learned that any type of good magic could affect the barrier." Mal began

What if you used your healing abilities to stall the barrier long enough for Mal to teleport all of us off the island." I said finishing Mal's idea.

"Ok so that's the plan?" Azizi said, "Riley alters the barrier and Mal just teleports us out of here."

"Sounds like it." Carlos said "But first we have to get to the edge of the island."

"Alright Mal let's get your teleporting magic on." Azizi said

"Wait, Mal should save her energy we don't know how far away the mainland is from here." I jumped in,

"True, the longer the distance the more power I need to get us there." Mal said

"So that means we're walking." I patted Azizi on the shoulder,

"That also means we have to sneak by your parents." Riley said

"Awesome, let's go." I said, Together the five of us snuck up the stairs. Mal opened the door. From my position behind Mal I could hear the villains laughing together.

Mal started to walk towards the front door; I followed close behind with Riley close to my arm and Carlos with Azizi behind him. Mal was three steps from the front door; she reached for the doorknob.

"Going somewhere Mal?" The five of us turned to see Evie standing with Jay with her arms crossed. Mal froze; I put my arm in front of her if Evie was going to attack Mal she was going to have to go through me first.

"You too Carlos?" Jay looked at Carlos,

"Run." Carlos pushed Riley, I jumped in front of Mal and threw open the door. I was overwhelmed by the heat coming from outside. The sun was setting behind the broken crumbling buildings. Mal took my hand and dragged me outside; we ran together with Carlos, Riley and Azizi close behind us. I could hear the villains yelling behind us. Suddenly I head a defining roar from above my head and a dark shadow covered the whole island. We all looked up to see a large purple dragon flying in front of the sun. It only took a couple of minutes to reach the beach but we were still running out of time. Riley ran up to the waters edge and started to feel the air around the water. I watched as her hands hit something hard, Riley pushed against this invisible wall. A flash of light blinded me; I rubbed my eyes and looked straight at Riley. Riley had pried a hole in the barrier and was using both her hands to keep the hole open. Maleficent roared and started coming towards us,

"Mal now!" Riley yelled. Mal grabbed onto Riley's shoulders, while Carlos and I grabbed Mal's hands and Azizi hung onto my shoulders. I suddenly felt my stomach in my throat, a flash of green light came over my eyes and I felt a rush of wind through my hair. I blinked and magically I was over the Enchanted River, I fell into the water. I heard four other splashes before coming up for air.

"Hello?" I called out; Azizi popped his head above the water coughing. Next came Riley then Carlos both gasping for air. I looked around for Mal but she hadn't come up for air yet.

"Mal?" I yelled out again and again. I looked down and dived into the water. I felt around until I grabbed onto something soft, Mal's hand. I grabbed her hand and pulled her up to the surface. Mal her hair back to its blonde color was unconscious, I shook Mal and begged her to wake up but she still wouldn't open her eyes. I swam to shore dragging her with me. Carlos and Riley helped pull Mal up to shore while Azizi gave me a hand. I pull myself on the leafy shore next to Mal, Carlos and Azizi start yelling for help. Riley pulls herself up next to Mal and listens for her heartbeat.

"Her heart is beating and she's breathing but she's just knocked out." She said,

"We found them!" I heard a far away voice say. I look up to see my castle guards scaling the giant hill in front of us. Wait. Were we near my castle? I look up at where the guards were climbing down. I could see the top my castle wall and if I looked far way enough I could see the tip of the tallest tower. I was home, finally.


My eyes flutter open, immediately I felt a strong warmth run through my body. I was lying in a large four-poster bed covered in blue blankets. I lift up my head and a familiar weightless feeling runs through my head. Immediately I reach for a piece of my hair, I twirl it around my finger.

"Wow you're up." I look to my right to see Ben standing in the doorway.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"My room. You've been out for a couple of days." Ben said walking over to me. I look around his room. Trophies and plaques line the walls while the other half the room was made up of windows.

"What's the date?" I asked him pulling myself into a seated position.

"May 1st." Ben said sitting next to me.

"What happened while I was out?" I ask him.

"Well when Riley opened that hole to get us out she manage to damage the whole barrier so the Fairy Godmother had to repair it. Then the council had a debate about where you and Carlos are going to live."

"Do they know? About my true mother." I ask him, he nods.

"They know don't worry they're not going to punish her." Ben pauses, "But she wants to talk to you." My face falls,

"When you're ready of course." Ben said taking my hand.

"What if I'm not ready?"

"Then she'll have to wait." Ben looked into my eyes; we were silent for a couple of moments before I started the conversation again.

"Where are Carlos and I going to go?" I asked

"Well do you want to live here?" He asked me a little nervous.

"I would love to." I said Ben reached across for me and held me tight.

"Hey Mal?"


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I looked at him for a few moments.

"Even after all of that?" Ben looked back at me.

"When I saw you unconscious in the river I realized that I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you. I like you Mal, a lot and even though we went through all that. I still really like you." Ben's confession came tumbling out. My eyes started to tear up.

"I really like you to Ben." Ben smiled he and I gave each other a small kiss, my first kiss. It felt so warm and sweet and for the first time in a while I felt happy.

"Yes I would love to be your girlfriend."

A/N: Hey guys sorry if this feels rushed again I'll try and fix it soon :) I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I <3 you all!


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