Chapter 18

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*Not edited*


Three days had gone by and the only thing the three of us had to eat and drink were crackers and water.

"Ugh I feel so dirty." Azizi said,

"Well we haven't showered in three days." Riley snapped we were all super tired the dungeon floor wasn't a very comfortable bed.

"Guys pull it together we'll get out of here soon." I said

"Yeah tell that to her boyfriend, he still hasn't found a way out yet." Aziz said pointing at Riley. Carlos visited us twice since he first told us he was going to try to get us off the island.

"Shut up Azizi he's not my boyfriend." Riley looked like she was going to rip Azizi's eyes out.

"You sure about that?"

"I thought I told you to shut up."

"Riley, Azizi could you please just stop! If Carlos can't help us then our parents will." I said trying to make peace.

"By doing what giving up our kingdoms?" Riley asked,

"No by storming the island and rescuing us." Azizi started to get excited,

"Yeah like that's ever going to happen, our parents are probably to terrified to step on this island." Riley said,

"Riley's right, there is no way our parents are going to step foot on this island." I said I looked at Riley.

"I wonder if they know we're gone."


"We have to save them!" I slammed my fist on the table. The council looked at me,

"We understand Princess Claire but rescuing your friends isn't as easy as it looks." Queen Aurora stood up from her seat.

"Queen Aurora is right we can't just drop everything and rush over to rescue them. We have to plan." King Charming said,

"We don't have to plan anything let's just storm the island." Queen Merida said raising her bow. The council erupted into arguing. Queen Merida leading those who wanted to storm the island. King Charming leading those who wanted to plan their attack.

"Enough!" King Beast nearly flipped over the table.

"My son has been kidnapped. The heir to the throne of my kingdom, we can't just stand here and argue."

"It's been three days since we believe our daughter has been kidnapped." Queen Rapunzel said,

"Same with our son." King Aladdin chimed in. Suddenly the front doors slammed open Anxelin and Marc ran in each holding a piece of paper. They walked over to their parents.

"This was left on our door." Marc handed his parents the note. I looked over Belle's shoulder.

"Your children in exchange for your kingdoms." Queen Belle read aloud.

"They can't be serious." Queen Rapunzel looked up from her note, which probably read the same thing.

"When have the villains not been serious." King Beast chimed in,

"We can't just hand over our kingdoms." King Eugene said.

"Everyone who doesn't have a child on the island needs to go home. Enchanted Academy and Royal Prep will be shut down early all of your children will be returned home until this issue is sorted out." King Beast declared.

"What about the rest of the villain kids? Where will they go?" Queen Belle asked her husband.

"Excuse me your highnesses." I looked down to see Jiminy Cricket standing on the table with his umbrella.

"I have just received news that all the villain kids have disappeared from the school, and we have no clue how they did it."

"But they went back to the island." Queen Belle finished for Principal Cricket.

"It looks that way." Principal Cricket bowed his head,

"We'll send out guards to investigate and I'm sure the other families will do the same." King Beast excused himself before heading off to talk with his assistant.

"Don't worry Claire we'll bring them home." Queen Belle put her hand on my shoulder before walking away.


"I can't do this anymore." My mother looked at me with surprise, she was alone sitting in our living room.

"Excuse me?"

"I can't be evil anymore." I told her, my mother gave a little laugh.

"Mal you're talking nonsense, go out an wreck havoc on the island with Evie and everyone." My mother said not caring at all,

"Mother I've been doing that for three days and it just doesn't feel right." I looked up at her.

"Mother you're not listening to me." I tried to say, my mother kept ignoring me.

"You know what? I shouldn't even call you mother." Maleficent turned and looked at me with her cold dark stare.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Maleficent walked over to the window her black robes flowing behind her.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. How you took me away from the Blue Fairy who is apparently my actual mother." I said

"You don't actually believe that do you?" I stayed silent.

"Why?" I asked her tears starting to form.

"Because I'm evil, that's what we villains do we ruin the lives of heroes." Maleficent scoffed at me.

"Well I'm not evil and I don't want to be a villain." I said standing up tall. I finally felt like I had some power over her. Maleficent started to got red,

"How dare you!" Maleficent grabbed me by my hair and slammed me into the wall.

"I raised you! I fed you! I gave you everything! And this is what you return me with." Maleficent grabbed me and threw me against a mirror we had hanging on the wall. The mirror shattered sending glass everywhere. I felt some shards enter my arm,

"Is that what you want? To be one of those heroes downstairs? Fine. So be it." Maleficent grabbed me by the back of the neck. I turn to my right to see Evie, and the rest of the villain kids with their parents looking at the two of us in shock. Maleficent drags me down the staircase that leads to the catacombs. Maleficent opened the prison door with her set of keys and threw me inside. I landed hard on the floor next to Riley who immediately noticed my injuries.

"I never want to see you again." With that Maleficent swung her cape and disappeared.

"What just happened?" Azizi asked after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. I burst into tears and the whole story came tumbling out. I them about the plan, about the sleeping potion, even about my true heritage. Everything came tumbling out, Ben gave me his blanket and Riley started treating my arm.

"Wow you really took a hit here." I flinched as Riley pulled the shards from my arm. As Riley sang the song required for her to heal me. I looked up at Ben,

"Do you forgive me?"

"It will take some time but yes I forgive you." Ben gave me a small smile,

"Thank you." I mouthed,

"There you're all set now I guess we." Riley was interrupted but the sound of a key scraping the lock.

"Hey," Carlos said, "Let's go."

A/N: I know two posts in one day XD Sorry again if this feels rushed, I just want to try and finish the book before the movie comes out. I promise i'll sort everything out as soon as possible : )

I <3 you all


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