Chapter 2 *New*

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*not edited*


I slammed the book down on the meeting table. All of the heroes present at the meeting jumped in surprised.

"So this is what you called an emergency meeting for Ben?" Queen Snow White addressed looking confused.

"No offense Belle but if your son called an emergency meeting over some stupid book he's going crazy." Prince Eric crossed his arms.

"I'm not going crazy your majesty just hear me out." I replied opening the book.

"This book contains the birth records of all the children of the heroes." I started, the council of Heroes looked at me in confusion.

"But also the children of the villains, I have made a proclamation that..." The dining hall room door slammed open, in walked Queen Rapunzel and King Eugene.

"Late as always." Queen Aurora commented. Rapunzel shot Aurora a glare before turning to me.

"Prince Ben It is our understanding that you are emitting the children of the most dangerous villains to Enchanted Academy to attend school along side our children." Rapunzel looked directly into my eyes. The room was silent for a few moments before the whole council erupted into a fit of rage. All the kings and queens of the kingdoms started shouting at me and asking my parents if I was truly fit to be king.

"Could everyone calm down!" My dad roared over the arguing.

"We have though over Ben's decision, though we don't agree with it. Ben needs to learn how to be a responsible King. It's not like their parents are coming to live here for nine months it's just their kids, what harm can they do." Belle told the council.

"The apple doesn't fall farm from the tree." Queen Snow shot back at my mother.

"Ben's right." The Blue Fairy said from her position at the other end of the table. "We should give these kids a chance."

"All in favor?" My dad asked around the room. Everyone stayed silent,

"All opposed?" The room stayed silent.

"Great! I'll call the fairy godmother so she can transfer the kids to the mainland." My dad left the room.

"Speaking of transferring, Ben the car is waiting outside for you." My mom said pointing to the clock on the left wall. It read ten; I was supposed to be present on the school campus by ten thirty.

"Meeting adjourned?" I asked, everyone grumbled. I took that as a yes and I sprinted to the door. I burst open the castle doors to find a limo with the family crest embedded on the side. The driver opened door and I threw myself inside.

"How'd the meeting go?" I looked up to see Isabelle dressed in her school uniform along with Marc who already changed into the required uniform for Enchanted Academy. I'll change when I get to school.'

"Boring." I replied trying to end the conversation.

"Are you sure? There was a lot of screaming and shouting from the dining hall." Marc said his voice muffled from behind a new book.

"It's fine Marc. You'll understand when we get to school." I said rolling my eyes at my younger brother.

"You highnesses we have arrived at Enchanted Academy." The driver said,

"I can't wait until I go here." Isabelle said looking sad; she had to attend a school that was about ten miles away.

"You'll attend here soon." I reassured Isabelle.

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