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Alma POV

It's quiet in the kitchen as I slide eggs and bacon onto two plates. I carry them to the table where a quiet and abnormally calm George is sat. We eat quietly as I try to come up with something to say to break the ice.

"Is it just me or does this feel like the last supper?" George asks.

"I am not sure what that feels like, but that might be a question you can ask Jesus shortly when you get to heaven." I say all too quickly.

We both look at each other and then burst out into laughter.

"Comic relief is always the best way to break the ice." George says.

"Yeah it is. Lucky for us we are always on time with the witty comments." I say back.

There is another silence that looms for a second.

"Everything is going to be ok. I am just going to be gone for a few days and then I'll be back. There isn't anything to worry about." George says.

"But-" I start.

"Alma don't. Let's just enjoy breakfast before the taxi gets here ok. I already have a plan all figured out. If you need anything go to Randy and no one else ok?" George says.

"Ok" I say.

I watch him as he eats. I watch the way the light from the window brightens up his blue eyes, and the way he is sitting at the table across from me, existing, living and breathing. I can't help but take in this memory and hope that this isn't the last time we sit together in this kitchen. He may try to shield me from the truth, but I am not stupid. I know damn well the possibilities that could be faced while he is there in Georgia.

A taxi honking the horn loudly causes us both to get startled. Neither of us say anything and then it honks again.

"I believe that taxi is for me. I should get going." George says.

I rise from the table just as quickly as he does. I follow close behind him as he picks up his bags and heads for the front door.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say back.

He gives me a kiss and then reaches for the doorknob.

Before he can pull it, I grab him and say "Please don't go. We can leave or go on the run again. Please I can't lose you."

I feel the tears spill from my eyes uncontrollably. I am scared; no terrified. This is a bad idea and I know it.

"Alma, listen to me. I am coming back to you. I promise. No, I swear to you that I am coming back to you. Just wait for my call when I get to Indiana and then the next one is for when I get to Georgia. Everything is going to be ok." George says.

He kisses me one more time and then I watch as he disappears out of the door. I go back into the kitchen, put the dishes in the sink and weep.

James POV

I stand at the Greyhound bus stop waiting for George to arrive. He was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. Panic begins to set in as a bus pulls into the lot. I watch the people pour out of it with luggage in hand and try to spot George. Unfortunately, there is no George insight. I look at the big clock on the wall in the station, he needs to get here in 5 minutes or the only bus going to Georgia today is going to be missed. I am sweating as the seconds go by.

A minute later, I decide to make my way to where the bus to Georgia is waiting idled for people to climb aboard. As I make my way to the bus stop, I spot someone who looks like George standing at a payphone. I go up to the person on the phone.

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