New Day

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George POV

I awaken to the sound of an alarm clock going off and unfamiliar surroundings. In a sleepy haze, I reach for the alarm clock and smash the top of it. As I try to place where I am, the memories of last night come flooding back to me. I smile sleepy and reach towards the other side of the bed. I feel for Alma's body but the only thing I am met with are empty sheets. I sit up immediately and suddenly fully awake. I sit up and search the room, thinking that I may have imagined last night. Alma's body against mine in our bed. Was it just a dream? I look around the room in a panicked frenzy when the faint smell of blueberry pancakes quiet my thoughts. I follow the smell out of my room and into the kitchen. I stop by the entrance and see Alma cooking in the kitchen. I watch as she dances around the kitchen flipping the pancakes and sprinkling pepper on the eggs. In a way, she makes it look like some kind of an art form and before I know it I'm sent into a trance. But isn't that how she always has me? Completely mesmerized by all she does. That's what she does; it's amazing how something so simple can make your heart flutter and your eyes unable to be torn away when you're in love. Suddenly my legs have a mind of their own and they move me close to her. And just like that, I am behind her and my arms are wrapped around her waist.

She sinks into me as I lean down and whisper into her ear "Good morning beautiful."

I feel her shudder slightly and I smirk.

"Have I made you weak in the knees already?" I whisper and let my lips brush lightly against her ear.

I hear a faint moan leave her lips. I chuckle and release her from my embrace.

She shakes her head slightly and says "You keep that up and you're gonna have burnt pancakes for breakfast."

I watch as she slides pancakes onto a white plate. I make a quick mental note to thank Randy for equipping the apartment with all the living essentials. 

Turning my attention back to her I respond with "Well you how I love to indulge in dark things. Dark brown is such a lovely color."

She stops and turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Ok. You're in rare form today." She says and rolls her eyes gently.

I smile and say "How can I not be? I have a beautiful woman standing in my kitchen."

She smiles in spite of herself and turns her attention back to putting food on a plate.

After a few minutes, she places two plates onto the table. Then rush over with a pitcher of orange juice. I continue to watch her as she reaches into the cabinet for two glasses. She rises on her tiptoes to get to them but they remain out of reach.

I walk over and say "Let me get that for you, little lady."

I grab the two glasses and place them on the table.

We each take seats on opposite sides of the table so that we are directly across from each other. We make silent eye contact and then suddenly burst out into laughter.

We both laugh loudly, with eyes full of joy and our mouths wide open.

She says "Well this is strange isn't it. No sneaking around or sitting in a field. We are actually sitting at a table and there is no worry of being caught. It's just you and me."

I smile and say "Yes, but I love it. I am looking forward to doing this for the rest of my life. Waking up to you and eating breakfast with you. To be honest this is the best way to start my day."

She smirks and says "You sure about that? You know that you are stuck with me now from here on out."

I laugh and say "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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