Breaking Point

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Mary POV

I sit across from George's mom; Betty. She is a very lovely lady and very pretty too. I look over at Sadie who is quietly playing with the peas on her plate and sitting next to her mother. She is a spliting image of her, with dark hair and vibrant blue eyes that match Betty's. George's eyes are just as blue as hers too.

"Can you pass the mash potatoes?" Betty asks.

"Sure Mrs. Davis." I say as I pass the mash potatoes.

"Please, dear call me Betty. You make it sound like I am my mother in law." Betty says and lets out a light-hearted chuckle.

I smile and nod. George's family is rather wonderful and they seem to like me. I could imagine myself fitting right in with his family. Sitting with them at football games, eating dinner at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Maybe if I play my cards right I can even share the family's last name; Davis.

"So, what do you hope to do in the future? Any goals for obtaining a job or?" George's dad; Will asks.

"Yes, I am hoping to either be a nurse or maybe a secretary." I say.

"Ah, so you want to be a working woman?" Will says.

"Yes, a working woman. I think that it is a great choice to take on a job." Betty says.

"So, you would need to attend college after high school. Have you started looking into which college you want to attend?" Wil asked.

"Funny enough I got into my dream college some time ago." I respond.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Which college will you be attending?" Will asks.

"Notre Dame." I respond with a smile.

George spits out his soup sending the contents of what was once in his mouth all over the table. Everyone turns their attention to him.

"Oh, my goodness. Are you alright?" I ask.

His mom exclaims "George!"

"Sorry! Be careful the soup is very hot." He says quickly.

George POV

I sit silently on the couch rubbing my aching temples. I didn't even know that she applied to college let alone wanted to go to college. I mean when was she going to tell me any of this and why did she think that telling me in the middle of meeting my family at dinner was the best time to do so? I mean I was so shocked I spit out my soup all over the dining room table for goodness sakes. I don't think I could handle her going to college with me. I could pretend for the rest of the school year and even the summer that I love her, but I can't do that every day for the next 4 years. I thought if I make it to college, where she is several states away with the closest thing to interaction being a phone call I could do this. I could continue a relationship with her. Now I am realizing that maybe I really can't do this.

My dad comes out of the kitchen where Mary and my mother are harmoniously cleaning the dishes. I immediately sit up straight. To avoid any interaction with my father, I get up from the couch and head for my room. As we pass each other my father grabs my arm.

"Marylin is a lovely girl. I am very happy you found yourself a good and worthy girl. She's going to make a really good wife, and mother one day. But make sure she decides to be a nurse instead of a secretary. We want to make sure she stays tamed and gentle. Say, let's suck up your past situation as a foolish act of rebellion, a cry out for attention, and a learning curve. That girl was a terrible mistake of the past. All is forgotten and will remain that way as long as you never give me a reason to remember." My father says.

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