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George POV

As we sit in my car in the school parking lot staring into the darkness that covers us through the windshield. It has been almost an hour since I dropped Alma home. James decided in order for this to all be believable he would park his car in the school parking lot to pick it up tomorrow, and I would drop him home tonight. He decided I should drop Alma home first so I could explain myself or well talk about her. 

I decide we have been sitting in silence long enough and say "So are we going to talk or just sit here in awkward silence?" I ask.

The heavy silence returns after the completion of my sentence. I turn to look at James. I take in his tense appearance and clenched jaw. I can't tell if he is angry or uncomfortable.

"Can you at least say something? If you are planning on ignoring me while you stew in some type of passive-aggressive rage than why didn't you just go back home? " I ask with an irritated edge in my voice.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"  James asks still not looking at me.

"Because I was scared too. What I and Alma are doing goes against the law and what everyone thinks is right. So, I thought you would be against it too. " I start.

He turns to look at me for the first time since sitting here in this parking lot. "That's what you thought? You thought that I wouldn't side with you? We have been best friends since diapers. We have always told each other everything and not once have I ever judged you." He says.

"Ok but this is different. It's not the same as skipping class or kissing Betty Atkinson under the bleachers during 5th period. This is different in more ways than one. I mean I am breaking the law and the morals that have been instilled in us since childhood. Everyone knows black and white don't mix. Then there is my dad. If he were to ever find out he would not only kill me but he would hate me. You know the town would have a field day with this. Word would spread around like wildfire. Macons' very own sheriff's son is breaking the ever so strict anti-miscegenation laws. Forget jail, I wouldn't be able to ever show my face again anywhere in the state of Georgia let alone Macon.

"Do you love her man?" James asks.

"Yes. Well- I mean- I am falling in love with her. I have never felt this way before. I think she could be the one." I say truthfully, pushing past my desire to smile at the thought of her.

"Then forget what the world says. Not to get all holy on you, but God wouldn't have given her to you if it wasn't meant to be. Look, you are like a brother to me and I am gonna stand with you. I have never judged you or stood against and I don't plan on starting now. I would walk through hail and crossfire for you and with you." James says.

I don't respond instead I reach over and hug him. He embraces me back and we stay like that for a second.

We rip apart and I run my hand through my hair teasing it a bit.

Then he adjusts his bomber jacket in the manliest way possible and says "We should get home."

"Yeah its getting late." I say trying to act tough.

I put the car in drive and we begin to converse about nothing particularly important. As I gun it down the street I smile to myself silently thanking God for the best friend a guy ever could ask for. 

Alma POV

I groan as a slam my steel and violently sounding alarm clock. I open one eye and glance at the clock reading 7:45 am. I groan and reluctantly rise from my bed. I trug over to my draw and half-heartedly pick out an outfit and go to make my way to the bathroom when something wedged in my window catches my eye. Suddenly wide awake I hesitantly reach for the note but stop halfway and rush over to lock my bedroom door as my parents haven't left for work yet. 

I rush back to the window and gently pull the note out. I quickly unfold the paper and I can't help but smile as it's contents makes my heart swell, gush and explode.

Good morning my beautiful Alma, 

I hope this note makes you smile as much as I do every time I see your lovely face. I just wanted to tell you that everything went well with James. He is accepting of us and will help us with my alibi for when I disappear to be with you. Meet me in your school parking lot tonight at 8, I will be waiting with Pops for dinner. Then we can go out to our spot. I can't wait to walk past you on my way to school and looking forward to seeing you tonight! 

- George

I smile, quickly search for a better-looking outfit. I mean if George is gonna get a glimpse of me might as well make it a worthy one. I grab a different outfit and rush to get dressed.

James POV

As I and the guys walk to school I watch as Alma and her friends come into focus. I watch as Alma and George's eyes meet. A smile spreads onto each of their faces almost in unison. I begin to talk about how I and George plan on grabbing some burgers from Pops and then just hanging out tonight. The guys chime in and I watch out of the corner of my eye as George and Alma ever so sly brush shoulders and their hands quickly clasps. George squeezes her hand lovingly, reassuringly and just as quickly releases it. I keep talking and distracting our friends as George turns his head to still one more glance at Alma. George suddenly chimes back into the conversation clearly come back to the present moment. I turn my attention to him and smile. I am happy for him and that he has found his Audrey Hepburn, or; maybe, in this case, his Eartha Kit. 

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