Pricking Flowers

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Alma POV

I keep my head down as I rush towards George's car that sits idle in the middle of the parking lot.   Our eyes meet as I reach for the door handle. As I open the door and climb in I watch as he gives me a lopsided grin.  His face is plagued by a new emotion, I have never seen before. 

I buckle my seatbelt and say "Hi."

"Hi, beautiful." He says back.

He turns the car on and it roars to life. The sound cuts through the silence, echoing in the empty parking lot and bouncing off the vacant school buildings. 

He pauses before putting the car in gear and he looks at me. He leans over and kisses me gently. Surprised by the sudden action, it takes me a second before reciprocating the kiss. 

He pulls away and then throws the car into gear and we jet out of the parking lot. 

I watch him as he drives and takes in the features of his face. His sharp jawline, his perfectly floppy dark brown hair, and the curve of his nasal bone. He notices me staring at him and he turns to look at me for a split second before he places his eyes back on the road in front of us. 

I catch a glimpse of his vibrant blue eyes and I feel my heart flutter.

"Take a picture it will last longer." He says as he cuts through backroads.

Before I could stop myself I say " A picture wouldn't do you justice."

He smiles that kind of smile that does something to me. Not like the girly butterflies in your stomach but an emotional knowing. It was a sudden realization that in that very moment I knew that I was in love with him. 

George POV

After eating our burgers from Pop's we lay in the grass on a picnic blanket and look up at the stars. I point towards the sky as her head rests peacefully on my chest and say "Now that is the brightest star I have ever seen. What do you think?"

"I don't know which is the brightest, but they sure are beautiful." Alma says.

I turn my head slightly and whisper in her ear "Not as beautiful as you."

I place a kiss to her cheek.

She sits up and props herself on her elbows and looks at me. She gives me a quizzical look and asks "You are telling me that out of the sky full of bright stars you still think I am more beautiful than them? If so you need some glasses because this night sky is breathtaking."

I sit up so that our face is only inches away from each other and say " In a sky full of the brightest of stars, you are still the most breathtaking view."

I close the gap between us before she can retort back with a witty response. Not that I don't love her witty comebacks, but I want those lips on mine. At first, I kiss her gently, but then we begin to move so that she is on top of me. Our lips move in unison as she reaches for the hem of my shirt. I sit up so that she can slide the shirt off of my torso. I feel the warm Georgia air hit my bare chest. She sits on my lap as we begin to kiss sloppily and desperately as if we can't get close enough to each other. We break away for a second to remove her dress and then we reconnect our lips. She reaches for my pants and I break the kiss.

"Are you sure?" I ask her.

She looks at me and her eyes are plagued with an emotion I have never seen before. Lust? I can't be sure.

She reaches for my pants but I gently grab her arms and hold them in my hands.

"Are you sure? We don't have to do this now." I say again.

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