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James POV

I press my ear against the phone, listening to it ring. I wait with anticipation to hear Alma's voice on the other end it. I have been speaking to her for a couple of weeks now. Thankfully George left her number written down on a piece of paper in his draw.

"Hello?" Alma says.

"Hi, Alma its James." I say.

"Oh, hi James." Alma says.

"How's it going? I didn't see you when I was walking home from school today." I reply.

"Oh, I was a bit slow walking home today. I am tired." She says.

In an attempt to lighten the mood I say " Late night? Who's the lucky guy?"

She lets out a small chuckle and says "Just some guy I bump into from time to time."

I smile and play along by saying "Oh really cause you have hung out with him twice this week. You must be keen on him."

"No, I only hang out with him for the free milkshakes and burgers." She says.

We both laugh and I smile silently on the other end of the phone. My heart flutters at the thought of her smiling and laughing because of me.

"Do you want to hang out tonight?" I ask.

For a second too long I am met with silence on the other end of the phone.

"You know for another free milkshake." I say.

She chuckles lightly and says "Yes, but that would make my third free strawberry milkshake this week."

"I mean are you against that?" I ask.

"No, but I'm gonna need to switch up my milkshake flavors."

"You can be more creative and go for banana or do something simple like chocolate or vanilla."

" Oh, vanilla. I could go for some vanilla." Alma says on the other end of the line.

" So, I'll pick you up at 6?" I ask.

"6:30. I need to make sure no one is home first." She says.

"I'll pick you up then." I say smiling to myself.

George POV

I begin to make my way upstairs with a sandwich in one hand and a glass of coca-cola in the other.

"Are you going out with Marylin tonight?" My mother asks from the landing.

I cringe and call back "Maybe, not sure yet."

As I rush into my room, I hear my mom call out "When are we gonna meet her?"

I don't respond instead I close the door loudly enough to make it seem like I didn't hear her.

I place my sandwich and cola on the desk and flop down on the bed. Suddenly, I have lost my appetite with the mention of Marylin's name. Don't get me wrong, she is crazy beautiful and incredibly sweet. Honestly, she is the full package; a true southern belle. She is everything a woman should be; an ideal 50's woman. Everyone's dream girl, the one that shares your mother's best qualities and the ones that your father tells you every woman should have. I could have the white picket fence; the American dream with her. I would be able to come home to a house cleaned to the point of prestige, cooked meals and a perfect set off kids. Kids. I could see it now a fair-skinned little boy with dark hair and blue eyes, a mini-me. Then a girl with fiery hair like her mother but she'd have my blue eye instead of her mom's green ones. She would have her mother's smile too because she would inherit her mother's best feature. It's such a perfect smile, the way her lips curve to the perfect degree and display a perfect set of pearly white teeth. On a surface level, this is perfect; she is perfect.

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