Harsh Reality

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Alma POV

I hide quietly underneath the backseat with the blanket draped over the seat. I have the blanket positioned so that it will hide me. I pray silently as the cop approaches the car.

George POV

I roll down the window and the officer shines the flashlight into my face and then over the backseat.

"Hello, Officer. Have I done something wrong?" I ask calmly.

"License and registration." The officer states.

I pull out my license and registration then hand it to him.

He shines the flashlight over my documentation as a way to see it better.

"You're Sheriff Will's son." He says as he examines my license.

"Yes, I am. Now is there a reason as to why you pulled me over?" I ask sternly.

He shines the flashlight into the car and then stops on the backseat, illuminating the space behind me.

"What are you doing out so late at night all alone?" The officer asks with both his eyes and flashlight fixated on the backseat.

"Picking up a friend. His car broke down." I say.

"What's this friends name?" He asks eyes and flashlight still glued on the back seat.

"James Johnson. Office Robert Johnson's son." I reply.

Ignoring my answer he says "Do you mind stepping out of the vehicle while I search it?"

"Yes, I do mind stepping out of the vehicle. I need to go pick up my friend, whose father is a fellow officer. And my father, who may I remind you is the Sheriff and your boss would be awfully furious about you having suspicions about me or what you "believe" to be in my car. Now if you want to search my car for no reason go ahead but know that this little stunt here will definitely cost you your job. I will be sure to be very detailed with your unnecessary questioning, flashlight usage, and suspicions. Oh and let's not forget your inability to provide me with a reason as to why you pulled me over." I respond.

"Well, you enjoy the rest of your night sir. I hope you and James get back home safely." He says as he hands me back my license and registration.

I roll up the window, start the car and drive off.

I let out a sigh of relief and ask "Alma are you ok back there?"

"Yeah. Where are we going?" She replies back.

"To our spot. Stay hidden. I'll let you know when you can come out.

James POV

As I fill a glass up with water from the sink, the sudden sound of the phone ringing breaks through the silence of the house. I hear heavy footsteps. Immediately I know they belong to my father and I slip silently into the corridor.

I hear my father pick up the phone

"Hello?" He says.

"Paul? Why are you calling at this hour?" He asks.

I begin to tiptoe away but stop when I hear him mention my name.

"No James is in bed sleeping. There is no way George is picking him up because his car has broken down." My dad states.

"One second let me check." I hear him put down the phone then his heavy footsteps as they make their way upstairs. I hurriedly grab my car keys and head to the only place George would be going to at this hour; the meadow. Oh, George what have you gotten us into now?

George POV

I look at Alma as she stands about a foot away from me in the meadow. I listen to the orchestra of the night as I wait for her to respond.

She finally looks at me says "So it's over then."

"Huh?" I ask getting lost in her eyes.

"Us. We are done because of what? Our racial differences?" She starts.

She lets out a bitter laugh and says "How comical? You are such a candy ass. And the worst part is that your hesitation is caused by what the world is telling you is right and wrong. You know that segregation is wrong, but you aren't strong enough to stand alone against the crowd."

Anger begins to stir in me. That's what she thinks of me? A wimp? I am not afraid to stand against the crowd! Clearly, she isn't getting it.

"That's what you think of me? That I am afraid of what everyone will think? I couldn't give a rats ass about what everyone will think. But there are things like tonight for example where the officer would have found you in the back of my car. I would have been fine but they would have arrested you. I am worried about something happening to you!" I yell back.

I step closer to her and now we are only inches away.

"I am falling in love with you Alma." I say.

I move even closer to her so that my lips are only inches away from her's.

I place my hand on her check and rest my forehead on hers.

"If something were to happen to you, I could never forgive myself." I say.

She closes the gap between us and we share a passionate kiss.

We break away and I say "I am serious Alma. It would be so selfish of me to put you in harm's way. And if I were to lose you because I couldn't let you go; that would be an even greater sin then the one we are committing right now by being together. A negro and a white."

"I want you to be selfish and besides there ain't nothing wrong with a little sin. That's what the bible and church are for. God forgives all sins." She says.

I give her a smirk and then place a kiss to her lips.

She pulls away and begins to leave trails of kisses up my neck then onto my cheek. She suddenly stops when she gets close enough to my ear and whispers "So don't give me a reason to repent for our sin, cause I want to commit it again and again and ag-"

I cut her off by putting my lips on hers and kissing her passionately. Her fingers working and racking their way through my hair. While my hands work their way down her back and to her behind. I give it a playful squeeze causing her to let out a squeal.

"Mmh. You're a bad boy." She says against my lips.

She tugs the bottom of my shirt upward. I lift it over my head, throw it to the side and then reconnect out lips.

James POV

I arrive at the meadow and park my car next to George's. I knew he would be here. He always comes here when he needs to think. I've noticed the way he has been acting strange lately, walking alone and barely hanging out with me or returning my calls.

I hear George's voice and walk my way towards it. I stop when I see him and a negro kissing. I stand their awestruck as they kiss and he takes his shirt off.

As he begins to peel the dress off her shoulder I shout "George?! What the hell is going on here?!"

Both of their bodies rip away from each other and there heads whip around to face me. Their facial expressions resembling a deer in headlights.
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