Dancing in the Moonlight

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Alma POV

I sit in George's car mindlessly listening to the Presley song that is playing on the radio. As I wait in the parking lot of Pop's Diner I try not to draw any attention to myself. For this time of day on a school night, the diner is crawling with high school couples. As I try to keep my head down, I think about how bad of an idea this is. I would have definitely left while he was inside if I could but I am on the white side of town and would definitely stand out. As I sit in the car dreading this date, I see George exiting the diner with bags in hand and my heart jumps. I am taken aback by my heart skipping, and suddenly I feel a rush of excitement.

George rushes to my side of the car and I roll down his window so he can pass me the bag of food. I take the bags and place them on my lap.

He rushes over to the driver side of the car, hops in and says "Sorry, that took so long. There are so many people in there."

I reply dryly with a "Yeah I noticed."

He puts the car in reverse and backs ups. Before exiting the lot he turns to me and says "Hey, cheer up. I promise I am a good time. Besides I am excited to be going out with the hottest date in town." He says giving me a wink.

I smile in spite of myself and he returns the smile. He pulls off and we drive into the night.

George POV

I put the car in park as we have arrived to my favorite spot.

I smile and turn to Alma and say "We are here."

Alma looks at me and says "We are where?"

I chuckle and reply with "This is my favorite spot."

As I exit the car I hear her say under her breath "Your favorite spot to murder people."

I laugh and grab the blanket out of the backseat and reply with "Yes, but not tonight."

She get out of the car and says "What?"

I reply with "I heard you. You said this is my favorite spot to murder people. So, I am saying yes, but not tonight."

She gives me a strange look. I chuckle and respond with "I am only kidding."

She replies with "You better be because I know how to put these "cheerleader"legs to good use."

I laugh and close my car door with my blanket in hand.

I say "Come on lets eats some burgers."

Alma POV

We are sitting on a blanket in the middle of a meadow that surprisingly has just the right amount of light. With the light from a farm in the far distance and the perfect amount of moonlight, I can see why he likes coming here. It really is so nice and serene. Even the sound effects of the night with an occasional chirp of crickets, a hoot from an owl and a mixture of silents create the perfect symphony. As I go to pick up my burger I think if a perfect spot were to exist; this is it.

George's voice takes me out of my thoughts and stops me from taking the first bite of my burger.

"It's nice isn't it." He says.

"Huh?" I say.

"This place. It's nice isn't it?" He says again.

"It's alright," I say trying not to let him know how I feel about this place.

He looks at me softly and says "Oh come on it's nice. I know you think it is. This is the first time you have looked at peace tonight. Look, I promise I mean no harm; ok? Just give me a chance. And if you still don't like me and want to run for the hills. I will leave you alone. I swear." He says.

I give him a nod. As I try to loosen up my emotional restraints I bite into the burger and my taste buds are consumed by its greatness.

George must have noticed because he asks "Good right? Pop's makes the best burgers in town."

"Yes. Honestly, I think this is the best burger I have ever had." I reply.

We eat in silence for a few minutes and finally I say "This place. It's really nice. So quiet and beautiful. I don't think this could get any better."

He smiles and says "I know how to make it better."

Suddenly he jumps up and climbs into his car. He rolls down the windows and turns on the radio.

The song "Rockin Chair Mama" by Wayne Caroll breaks through the silence. George emerged from the car with a devilish smirk on his face and somehow I knew what he was thinking.

"Oh, no I'm not dancing," I say putting my hands up in protest.

He rushes over to me, and grabs my hand ripping me to my feet.

"Come on I love this song. You gotta dance with me." He says swing my arms.

"No." I say.

"Come on you told me you would give this a chance." He said.

"I didn't know this chance included dancing." I say defensively.

"Come on, the song is almost over." He says.

He starts doing the boogie-woogie. I start laughing because I am surprised that he is able to do it and I can't help but join in. Suddenly we get lost in the song and we are bopping and jumping and he throws me over him shoulder and spins me. Somehow I landed on my feet and the song ends.

Out of breath, he pants out "How was that for a big finish?"

"Great, actually. I hate to say it, but you got some moves." I say breathlessly.

As we stand their cathcing our breath a slower more romantic song begins to pour out of the speakers. Mona Lisa by Nat King Cole begins to play.

George reaches out his hand and says "May I have this dance?"

I chuckle and say "Of course."

We sway to the music. I place my hands on his shoulders and he places his hands on my waist. We stay like that for the first few verses and then our eyes meet. He smiles and I smile in return.

"You are so beautiful. Even the moonlight looks dull in comparison to you." He says and I smile wider.

Then he leans in and our lips touch. The kiss is delicate and soft. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms get a little tighter around my waist pulling us closer. I raise up onto my tiptoes in an attempt to deepen the kiss. When we pull away only one thing crosses my mind. This night was perfect.
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