Race is Nothing More Than a Color

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George POV

As we lay in the grass intertwined with each other I say "So that's it. You are 100% sure you choose me and only me? I don't need to fight off another contender? Cause you know I give a mean knuckle sandwich" I say with a smile on my face.

She looks up at me, rolls her eyes, and smiles.

"There won't be any need for that Mr. Tough guy. It's only you that I want. I am sorry I ever questioned that." She says.

I lean down and kiss her.

"Shh. None of that matters anymore. Besides now that you are sure about us I think we should start talking about the future?" I tell her.

I watch a new emotion take over her face. She tenses slightly and says "Yeah."

"Don't worry, I am figuring out a concrete plan. I am gonna meet with James and maybe talk to a few connections to make sure that it works. I promise we won't just foolishly runoff. I am very aware of the consequences we could face if I don't plan everything out correctly." I tell her.

She sits up suddenly and moves away from me.

I sit up too and ask "What's wrong?"

She looks at me with a warry expression and says "I need to tell you something I found out."

She pauses and I give her a nod of encouragement.

"My mother was married to your uncle." She blurts out.

"What? How? Huh?" I say in response to her statement.

What the hell is going on? What is she talking about? My uncle? What?!

"Your uncle's name was Roy Davis and he is dead. He died long before you were born." She says.

"That's impossible. There is no way that my uncle was married to your mom." I say.

What is even going on right now?

"George clearly I am not making this up. If I was how would I have known your uncle's name or that he passed away? You never spoke of him before, so I wouldn't have known anything about him." She says getting defensive.

I go silent for a moment. She does have a point. How would she have known any of that information otherwise?

"Ok, but I don't understand. Did they get married right before he died? I know I heard that he was very ill near the end and had gone down to New Jersey to visit some old friends that moved away." I say.

"He ran away to New Jersey with my mom to get married. Your father found out where they were and told you grandparents. I am not sure of some of the details because my momma said it all was a fast blur. She just remembers your grandfather shooting Roy and then him dying in her arms. And that your grandfather came up to her and said that he was better off dead than with someone of her kind." She tells me.

I am silent trying to wrap my mind around the information that she has just given me. My father played a role in my uncles' death. It is not hard for me to believe that my father had some involvement. I saw the way that he acted when he found Alma in my arms. But not my grandfather. No, he would never do that, he always told me that love is blind and sometimes you can fall in love with most unexpected people. He was a great man. He would never have done anything like that, especially not to his own son; my uncle.

"Your lying. My grandfather would never have done that. He was a great man and I loved him more than I will ever love my father. Now if you said that my father was the one who did it, I would believe you. I know the great lengths he would go to just to make sure the races wouldn't blend." I tell her.

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