The Choice

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George POV

I lean against the dull red lockers with my friends Tommy, James and Will.

"Hey George don't look now, but Marylin Jones has been staring at you for the past 10 minutes." Tommy says.

Me, James, and Will all turn to look at Marylin. My eyes meet her vibrant green ones. I give her a gentle smile and she quickly turns away, causing her to drop her books in the process. I walk over and go to help her pick up her books.

As she scrambles to collect her books, I pick up her math textbook that is a little further away from the rest of her books.

I hand her the textbook with a smile and say "Here you go."

She takes it, smiles back and says shyly "Thank you. I can be awfully clumsy sometimes."

As she slides the books into her locker, I turn to look at my friends. They are all mouthing "Ask her out. " I shake my head with a smile. I steal another look at Marylin. She sure is pretty, but not as beautiful as Alma- stop I tell myself. Move on from her. She doesn't want you. I watch as she rises to her tiptoes trying to place one of her textbook on the top shelf in her locker.

"I could help you?" I offer.

I watch as she turns her head quickly to face me. A pair of agate green eyes meet mine again. She quickly looks down at the textbook in her hand and gives it to me.

She tucks a few ginger strands behind her left ear and says "Thank you, that so kind of you."

I reach up and place the textbook easily on the top shelf.

"No problem. My name is George by the way." I say and extend out my hand to her.

She places her hand in mine and while giving it a gentle shake she says "Hi, my name is Marylin, but my friends call me Mary."

She lets go of my hand and shuts her locker. As she goes to turn away I decide to make a move.

"Hey, Marylin." I start.

She turns and looks at me, her green eyes clouded with curiosity.

"What are you doing later on tonight?" I ask cooly.

She looks down for a second and combs her fingers through her fiery hair tucking it behind her ear again. She seems to do that when she's nervous.

"Well, I have a prom committee meeting after school." She starts.

Well, she is about to reject me, might as well make a quick exit with the least bruise ego as possible.

"Oh ok." I say.

I begin to turn away from her but she stops me and says "But I am free after 6."

I look at her with a smile and ask "I could stop by and pick you up at 6:30? We could watch a movie at the drive-in theater and maybe grab burgers afterward? I would have you back home no later than 11:30."

She smiles shyly and says "Sure, but we should make it 11:00. It would make a better impression on my father."

I smile and say "Ok. I'll pick you at 6:30 and have you home by 11:00."

"Ok, let me write down my address and phone number." She says.

I watch as she writes the information down on one of the pages in her notebook, tears it out and hands it to me.

"Here you go. See later, George." She says with a smile.

"Thank you, Marylin. I'll see you later." I say.

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