Chapter 26: The Party

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"Congratulations, B/n!" I cheered when Ranpo told us the news.

"Your brother has a sharp eye!" Ranpo said, "But not as sharp as mine."

"The agency should be on their way now." Dazai said.

"Woah!" Ranpo exclaimed, "Look at all this food!"

"Heh... Yeah." I said scratching the back of my head. "Me and Dazai made a quick run to a few stores and bakeries to prepare everything!"

"Wow. I'm impressed." B/n said looking at the blankets set on the ground for the picnic.

"You actually got Dazai to help?" Ranpo asked surprised.

"Yeah, wasn't that hard."

"You were literally dragging me to the bakery." Dazai looked at me.

"Yeah... Other than that... Not that hard."

"Hey!" Akiko waves at us with the other agency members, including F/n.

"Woah!" They all say in unison.

Fukuzawa smiles, "Well, dig in."

Everyone practically runs to the table and grabs food.

I sigh and look at F/n.

She smiles and shrugs.

Everyone, including me, had a plate of food and were sitting on a blanket.

Akiko, Ranpo, Kenji, and B/n were on one. Kyouka, Atsushi, and Mr. Fukuzawa, on another one. Junichiro, Naomi on another one with Kunikida. And me and F/n on the last one.

Dazai sits by me.

"We did a pretty good job." I say.

"And only because you forced me to." He pokes my cheek.

I feel my face turn red. The sun was already setting.

"Wow." I said, looking at the sunset.

I turn around and notice F/n went to where Kunikida was.

Did she really just leave me alone with him on purpose?

"The sun's setting already?" He sighs.

"That's not really a bad thing." I say. "I like whenever it's dark."

He looks at me and smiles, he ruffles my hair.

"H-hey!" I say, fixing my hair.

"Aw! But your hair's so soft!" He exclaimed ruffling it again.

"H-hey! Stop that!" I laugh.

I look back at the ocean and see that the sun was gone.

"Wow. It's dark now." I say.

I look around and see everyone talking with each other. It made me smile. F/n was talking to Kunikida while Naomi was hugging Junichiro while he was blushing. Atsushi, Kyouka, and Mr. Fukuzawa were talking about something as they were all smiling. B/n, Akiko, Kenji, and Ranpo were making a tower of Pocky. They made it by sticking marshmallows together. It was almost half the size of them until it fell over.

"Aw man!" They all yell in unison.

I laugh a little and notice Dazai staring at me while smiling.

We both look away from each other at the same time.

"Hey, you know about how we never did The 4th of July in America?" Dazai asks me.

"Yeah," I look at him, "what about it?"

I notice Kyouka and Atsushi in front of a ton of boxes near the shore and use a lighter.

"What are they doing?" I ask.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now