Chapter 5

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In moments of weariness and strain, Ezra sought solace amidst the vast expanse of the sea, a place where he could find respite from the burdens of his toil. It was here, amidst the ebb and flow of the tides, that he would encounter the dichotomy of tranquility and fury embodied by the waves. He enjoys unwinding on his yacht while sipping vodka, wine, or rum.

He embodies the quintessential archetype of a man who cherishes solitude and seeks respite from the bustling confines of urban life. Alone, he stands, bathed in the warm embrace of sunlight.

Ezra found himself increasingly perturbed by the cacophony that enveloped the city streets. The relentless clamor, like a relentless assault on his senses, grated on his nerves and left him yearning for a respite from the deafening noise. He despises it with every fiber of his being.

He has his phone and signal in case an issue with the Velleoti Mafia arises, which may happen at any time. In this very moment, Omar, a trusted confidant, assumed the responsibility of overseeing the intricate web of transactions.

Once a month, without fail, he would embark on a journey that would take him away from the opulence of his grand mansion. For a span of three to five days, he would leave behind the comforts and luxuries of his lavish abode.

In the secluded embrace of the coastline, he had erected a sanctuary—a private beach house concealed from prying eyes. This clandestine haven was a world known solely to him and Omar, the sole individual in whom he confided unreservedly, entrusting him with his very existence.

In the twilight of his years, he no longer seeks the fleeting thrills that once captivated his youthful spirit. Instead, he yearns for a deeper sense of fulfillment and tranquility—a profound contentment that can only be found in the quiet moments of reflection and appreciation.

Throughout the course of his existence, the concept of a woman had remained an elusive presence, never gracing his life with her enchanting presence. Not a single soul among those who ventured near him was left with a shattered heart.

Ezra yearned for a soul who could stir his very being, provoking a profound disturbance within his entire system. One who possesses the remarkable ability to rouse the slumbering depths of their heart and awaken the dormant fibers of their nervous system.

This person must have childbearing hips. A woman who will force him to reconsider his entire existence. A woman who will turn his world upside down. He looked at her and knew he would be with her for the rest of his life.

He stands alone as the sole offspring of the family. In the intricate tapestry of his upbringing, it was his father who assumed the role of nurturing guide, steadfastly raising him with unwavering dedication.

Unfortunately, his Filipina mother decided to forego her parental responsibilities due to the allure of another man, leaving a void that would forever influence his path.

Ezra, with his father leading a retired and tranquil life in a secluded corner of Italy, harbored no apprehensions regarding his mother's current location. Their encounters were few and far between, occurring only once every couple of years.

Italy is the birthplace of the notorious Mafia. Scattered across the vast continents of Europe and Asia, their expansive empire boasts a multitude of flourishing enterprises and coveted properties.

The Philippines and Italy, two countries that have made a lasting impression on Ezra's soul, are both captivating to him. His affection for these nations runs deep, unmarred by any animosity save for one crucial aspect: their respective governments and political landscapes.

'This country is full of dirty individuals, and while I am one of them, I am conscious that I am not like them. I steadfastly cling to my principles, a virtue that seems to elude these corrupt officials.' Ezra's eyes fixated on the serene expanse of the sea, his mind drifting into contemplation.

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