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CECELIA WAS TRYING TO COVER THE BRUISES THAT HER FATHER MADE THE NIGHT BEFORE. When her father came into the bathroom, an angry look took over his face as he grabbed her shoulder.

"You are picking Amity, whether it's your result or not," he spoke, trying to intimidate her. Although it's completely not working, he didn't need to know that.

"But what if it's not Amity, father? The test is supposed to tell us what to pick," Cecelia tried sounding as scared as she could. To her this acting bit was easy, she'd done it for a long time, considering she hadn't been scared of her father since she was fourteen. She knew how to piss her father off but she shouldn't, considering the consequences.

"I don't care what the test says. You will choose Amity," he knew that if she didn't choose Amity, it'd make him look bad, being co-leader of the faction. Imagine the reaction from people if his daughter didn't choose amity.

"Okay father, I will," with that, he left her to cover up the marks.

Cecelia was wearing a yellow short sleeve shirt and blue jean shorts. The shirt hung a little low on her collarbone, which is why she had to cover them. She finished getting ready and grabbed her bag. She passed her father on the way out, and not even glancing his way, she stepped out the door.

She had always loved being outside. The birds chirping and the squirrels running. It made her feel at peace. On her way to the testing area, she liked admiring the flowers that were blooming.

She finally reached it and headed inside with the other teenagers. Looking around she couldn't find her best friend, Kai. He's from Dauntless, the faction Cecelia envied the most. Being wild and free. During school they'd talk all class, not caring about what the teacher was saying. The train hasn't come by yet, so he hasn't arrived. Although they are from different factions, they never let it stop them from being friends. She knew he got shit for being friends with a 'flower girl' as they'd called her.

She waited there for a couple of minutes and then she heard it. The train. She looked and there it was. Dauntless borns hanging out of the sides. Finally, it got close enough and they started jumping out. Cecelia wishes she could do that, but would never tell Kai because of all the teasing that could come with it. The said boy jumped and landed on his feet running, waving to Cecelia on his way to the door.

Eventually, they were allowed in. She sat down in her seat and the lady went on and on about the aptitude test. Finally, she stopped talking and they were escorted to a dimly lit hallway. They walked until they found a door and were allowed access in.

Cecelia stepped through the door and was met with a lady. She was Dauntless, dressed in black, and had long black hair. In the room, one wall was covered with mirrors. She looked at herself and then at the lady.

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