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"SO, CELIA, TELL US EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WITH PETER," Max requested from across the desk

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"SO, CELIA, TELL US EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED WITH PETER," Max requested from across the desk. Currently, Celia was getting interrogated by Max and Eric.

"Peter started talking about my past, trying to provoke me. Which obviously worked. I'm guessing you guys have read the paper about my father? He read it in front of everyone and then had the audacity to ask if my father hit me. I punched him and tried walking away, leaving it at that. But he grabbed my hair, yanked me back, and kneed me in the stomach. The rest you saw so," the young girl explained, directing the last part at Eric.

"Hm, was he right?" Eric joined in the conversation.

"About what, my father?" Celia asked.

"Yeah, did he hit you?"

"No," Celia lied, trying to get them off her back.

"Anyway, there is going to be a punishment for your actions. Though, I have not figured it out yet. I wanted to know your side of the story first," Max recalled, getting back on track.

"And now that you have heard my side, what's it going to be?" Celia inquired, wanting to get it over with.

"I have an idea," Eric interjected. Celia glared at him, not liking that he was even breathing.

"What would that be?" Max consulted with the fellow leader.

"She has to train with me after regular training is done. Extra work ya' know." Celia's eyes widened at the proposal. Having to train with him, she'd rather gouge her eyes out. She turned to Max, praying he'd say no.

"You know that will give her an advantage against the rest of the initiates," Max denied his idea. Celia sighed a breath of relief, not wanting to be anywhere near Eric, especially alone.

"Yeah, but you have no idea how much she'll hate it. Plus I'll move her down in the rankings," Eric reasoned, wanting to train with Celia, knowing she will in fact hate it.

"Fine," Max gave in. Looking back at Celia. "You'll have private training with Eric and you'll move down in the rankings." Celia glared at Eric, already hating the idea of this.

"How far down in the rankings?" Eric laughed at her question.

"I don't know, seventeenth, thirty-third," he taunted the girl.

"What? You're kidding, right?" she asked, not being able to tell if he was or not.

Eric laughed again, amused by her being afraid. "Yeah, but I think eighteenth would be fair, right? Eight spots down from where you are now." Eric reasoned. Celia calmed down, going back to slouching.

"Yeah, sure, it's fair," Celia muttered.

"Then it's settled, you'll start today," Max concluded. Celia got up from the chair and left, trying to find her friends. When she turned one of the corners she was met with Jeanine.

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