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"IF YOU'RE RANKED ABOVE THE RED LINE, YOU'LL MOVE ONTO THE NEXT STAGE OF TRAINING. If you're below it, we will waste no more time on you. Here are your rankings," Max's voice boomed above them, Eric was standing next to him with his arms crossed. He scanned the crowd looking for Celia, his eyes darting across the room before finally landing on her.

It was officially the end of stage one and Celia couldn't be happier. She knew that her training with Eric, which she has had every night, won't stop with the stage. She looked at Max, who just finished his speech. She then looked next to him, at Eric. They stared at each other until Celia saw names popping up on the screen. The rankings appeared and Celia scanned the names, hoping Eric had changed his mind. Her eyes fell upon the fifteenth spot. Her name was next to it in all red letters. She smiled a genuine smile, looking back at him.

Everybody cheered including Celia. She went down the list, looking for her friends' names. Her smile faded, seeing Tris' name at the very bottom. She glanced at Tris, who looked distraught about the new information. Feeling bad, Celia walked up to the girl, Will, Al, and Christina following.

"God, I'm so sorry, Tris. I should've done more," Celia hugged her. Tris silently cried on Celia's shoulder. When Celia tried to pull away, Tris hugged her tighter. Celia looked awkwardly at Christina to help, but all the girl did was shrug and laugh at her friend.

"Okay," she said, finally getting the girl off of her. "The board might make an exception for you, because of your dad and all." She used the words that Will used the other day. Tris nodded and walked off with everyone else that was eliminated. Just then someone tapped on Celia's shoulder, she turned around and smiled. Kai laughed before hugging her tightly.

Four glared down at the two, he never was a fan of Kai. Mostly because he was always around Celia.

"I told you, not factionless," Kai smiled and put his chin on her head. She glared at him playfully.

"Shut up, Kai," she scoffed. "But yeah, I'm glad I'm not factionless or whatever." She rolled her eyes. They slipped from each other's grasp when a voice told them that they had to do a task.

Helping amity.

Celia was scared that she would run into some familiar faces. Hoping for the best, she got ready with everyone else. When they got there, they had to start right away. Celia got serious Deja vu from doing this, remembering all the times she has done this in amity. All they had to do was move bags from trailer to trailer. It wasn't that hard for Celia but she could see some people struggling, she quietly laughed at that.

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