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WHEN CELIA WOKE UP SHE COULD HEAR EVERYONE MOVING AROUND HER. She blinked and saw everyone moving robotically. Strapping their shoes, and getting ready when it still looked dark out. She turned toward Christina, who was in front of her.

"Hey, what's..." She trailed off, hearing the PA saying something. It makes you more susceptible to suggestion. Four's voice rang in her head. Her hand flew to her neck where Eric injected her yesterday. She got up, deciding it'd be better if she went along with it. She got ready and everyone else headed out the door. She went right behind Christina and walked with them.

Everyone was there, under the serum. Except for the leaders, she could see Eric out of the corner of her eye. She joined everyone else in line.

"They can see and hear us. They just don't process it in the same way. Commands come in through the transmitter," Max informed the leaders and Celia, although unknowingly.

"So they do whatever we want them to?" Eric asked, focusing on Celia. He had this gut feeling that she was divergent, but apparently, he was wrong. Celia desperately wanted to punch him, her mouth twitched, grossed out by the leader.

"Yeah," Max muttered, glancing at where Eric was looking. Surprised that he was looking at the girl who apparently, didn't make him as mad as he thought.

The dauntless got to the tables with guns, and everyone picked them up, including Celia. Everything was fine until a guy came out. He tapped the person in front of him on the shoulder. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked. When he got no answer, he went to the other side of the line. He stopped by a person a few feet away from Celia. The girl refused to look, knowing she'd blow her cover.

"Divergent," Max murmured. Eric walked toward him. Celia knew this wouldn't end well, especially considering that they kill divergents.

"Hey! Everything is fine, nothing to worry about," he said, pulling out a gun. He aimed it at the guy's forehead and shot him. The guy's body dropped to the floor with a thud, blood spilling out from under him. Eric shot him so fast, with such precision, not even any amount of hesitancy. It made her question how many people, divergents, just like her, he has killed before.

Celia flinched and looked away, not wanting to see someone dead. But, Eric caught it out of the corner of his eye. The girl could see him walking toward her, but she didn't dare look. She kept her eyes straight as he came a foot away from her. He examined her face, thinking that maybe he wasn't wrong about her. The brunette refused to look away from the back of Christina's head.

"Maybe I'm crazy, or wrong, or maybe, you're a very good actress, flower girl," he whispered, trying to not alert the other leaders. "And I'm rarely wrong, Celia," he put his hand on the side of her face, thinking that she'd act out and give herself up, but she didn't. He reluctantly took his hand off her cheek. "I'm just crazy, I guess." He laughed quietly. "I'm sorry for what you're going to have to do. Bye Celia." he walked away from her, leaving her heart racing.

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