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CECELIA WOKE UP TO STOMPING. Her father was coming up the stairs. Checking to see what time it was, the girl panicked when she saw the clock. Nine-twenty-five. She slept in past nine? She sprang up from her bed and went to her wardrobe. When her father came in he looked no different than before. A stone cold look on his face, his eyes set on her figure. When he made sure she was up, he left the room.

Cecelia let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. She didn't need anymore bruises on her body. Today she planned on wearing a red t-shirt and black shorts. Amity had to wear red and yellow but she chose to only wear one of the colors. She brought along a jacket that she got from Kai. She always had it hidden in her closet because of her father.

The choosing ceremony was at ten-thirty. They had to be there by ten-fifteen. Cecelia had less than an hour to get ready, covering the bruises, taking a shower and brushing her teeth. While doing so all she could think about was the aptitude test. She's divergent. She's dangerous. But what does she want to choose? Does she want to be brave like dauntless? Selfless like abnegation? Smart like erudite?

Amity was out of the picture for her. Why would she choose to stay here with her father? She didn't even know why she was questioning herself, considering in the back of her mind, she already knew what to pick.

Time flew by and before she knew it, she was standing by the building that could change her life. She entered the building with her dad and was amazed. There were five different sections for the factions. On the very left was a gray blob, abnegation. Next to them was yellow, amity. Then erudite, candor, and dauntless on the right. Cecelia passed the dauntless and felt jealousy bubble up inside her. They got to do whatever they wanted, they got to be free. She knew what she wanted to choose.

Cecelia sat down in the amity section. She was next to her father and this girl named Lila. She didn't know Lila that well but from the looks of it, she looked scared. She looked out in front of her and there was Jeanine Mathews, the leader of erudite. Cecelia didn't particularly like Jeanine but had to act like it.

"Hello Jonathan, it's nice to see you," Jeanine said with the fakest smile Cecelia had ever seen before. She looked at Cecelia and then to Jonathan again.

"Hello Jeanine, it's nice to see you too," her father replied with a nice tone. If only you knew Jeanine, if only you knew.

"This is your daughter, Cecelia right?" Jeanine didn't know Cecelia but she sure did know Jeanine. Cecelia mustered the best smile she could.

"Yes, you are correct, we have not met before." and it should have stayed that way, Cecelia thought before Jeanine continued.

"You have an important choice today. I'm sure your father will support any choice you make. Don't be nervous, kid, you'll be fine," Jeanine brought all of these comforting words but still couldn't see the obvious. It made Cecelia want to laugh at the irony of the situation.

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